Reviews for Legend
bravesfan6 chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
Mucking Fuppet chapter 50 . 2/10/2019
Hey mate, I know that you’re almost certainly not interested, but here goes... could you post a brief summary of what would have happened so all of us who have enjoyed Legend, can get a sense of what happens in the end? Thanks.
Cooka chapter 50 . 12/25/2018
I found this story recently (have no idea how I missed it before) and I love it! One of the best, pure perfection. But, after all this work and time put in it, there is no conclusion? Seriously? You know, when you read such a long and good story and then find out the author left it abandoned it leaves you.. dissapointed. And its a shame. As a big fan of Dark Knight trilogy, I read many fanfictions, and some authors came back to their stories after couple of years to finish them. Any chance you would do the same? I know its hard after all this time but it would definitely be worth a try. There is a great potential in this story, maybe 50 more chapters? :-) You are really good author and I think that you, the story and all the readers deserve an ending.
SpringRobin15 chapter 50 . 12/6/2017
This was amazing! I wish The Dark Knight Rises had used your story as its script. As it was, the movie was rather bland, especially in its characterization of Selina Kyle. On the other hand, your character presentation and dialogue were absolutely stunning, and I agree, you should definitely be a professional author/movie writer. Please send this in to DC or Warner Bros. and have this made into a movie. It would be a blockbuster for sure. Only one complaint: WHERE’S THE END?!
jwill21 chapter 50 . 12/21/2016
Just reread the entire Legend story. Truly love it. Hope you can continue it.
Liz chapter 50 . 11/2/2016
Just discovered this and read it all in about two days. I've really enjoyed reading it, thank you for sharing!
being villain chapter 50 . 4/9/2016
one of the best fanfics I've ever read, this could easily pass for something written by the Nolans for the third movie. Hell, you could publish stuff.
Loved your take on the .
Great writing of action. Especially the precinct attack and the car chases.
It's been years, but hope you'll do a conclusion.
Oniton chapter 50 . 11/21/2015
Such a shame this seems to be abandoned...really looking forward to more...
psychedelicbubbles chapter 50 . 11/8/2015
Sorry to see it's been cut short - but this was incredible. The depth of the characters and the sheer inventiveness of some of the scenes (especially Riddler/Joker bomb towards the end) make this easily as strong as anything in the films. Thanks for taking the time to write it, as unlikely as it seems (and 50 chapters is definitely plenty) - I hope you add more in the future.
A reader chapter 50 . 10/3/2015
Your story is one of, if not the, best stories I've come across in a long time. You could quite easily become a professional writer with the way you write; I've read published author's a thousand times worse and you could mop up the floor with them. That said... where's the mind-explosion ending? I've been waiting a couple of years. It's been quite the wait too. I must say that while this story is absolutely fantastic it's ever so disappointing that you've just abandoned it.

I mean, I understand that real life occurs and you might just lose the enthusiasm/ the will to continue it. But please come back I really REALLY love this story and to see it continued after so long would be absolutely brilliant beyond belief.

Well, I've pled my case, hopefully you'll come back with something, don't worry, I won't hold my breath.
Greenseer Tethlis chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
This is the first time I read about the Batcave in such sophisticated detail. Great first chapter!
Freya chapter 11 . 7/13/2015
Really enjoying the story so far :D x
liwu chapter 11 . 9/14/2014
i cant sleep reading it. I hope it continues.
midnightdew chapter 17 . 9/6/2014
Excellent character development and portrayal of how filled with crime Gotham can be. I never envision Bruce and selina's relationship as being easy or straightforward and you've managed to capture abs work the dynamics of the relationship just right. Love bruce's conversation with Alfred as always. Love the comment about Catwoman being the trainee. :-)
Midnight dew chapter 7 . 9/5/2014
I've been reading a few chapters and I must say that I love your story, the descriptions and the characterizations. They are all very realistic! It's like watching a movie. I love the pacing. It's not too rushed. Is just right. Love your portrayal of selina and the initial dialogue between them. Keep writing more fic! Love it!
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