Reviews for Vengeance
nife chapter 6 . 2/7/2013
Hu hu…the plot thickens, can't wait for the next bit
strangegibbon chapter 6 . 12/8/2011
Late to review but I very much liked your OC magister - droll and sly and rather enigmatic.

Rather worrying he can bind Justice - what does he have in store for poor Anders? Looking forward to the next chapter :)
SkaterGirl246 chapter 6 . 11/2/2011
Loved it! I think Ysarian is pretty awesome haha! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Theodur chapter 6 . 11/2/2011
I'm totally going to be rooting for the magister from now on - I thought he was totally awesome.

And it looks like the crew has a mystery of Feynriel's disappearance on their hands. Is it time to split up?
Lyrium Flower chapter 6 . 11/1/2011
An update long in the oven but nicely browned and crunchy at the top, moist, flavourful and juicy in the centre and infused with a generous helping of plot advancement, good characterisation, lush description and just the right dash of tension.

I liked that you avoided the perhaps altogether too tempting notion of having a Magister as bad if not worse than Danarius, choosing instead to go against the existing stereotype.
GiggleHeMan chapter 5 . 9/16/2011
Nice! And funny, just the way I love Hawke, can't wait to read more and see what happens. :)
Theodur chapter 5 . 9/8/2011
Nice piratey battle there! And Anders looks to have a rather impressive hold on Justice as it is already. Maybe he wouldn't have such good control if their attackers had been pirate-templars, though!

Minrathous looks cool. It's bound to be quite different from Kirkwall, as Kirkwall was literally carved into the stone, which is probably a fairly unique city construction.

Looks like the meaty stuff is about to begin - I wonder if the intrepid crew actually know where to start. I doubt Fenris remembers this place to play a guide!
Lyrium Flower chapter 5 . 9/8/2011
I'm currently on a DA fic abstinence diet due to my own project but strangegibbon mashed my nose into this one and I will readily admit I have one more reason to thank her.

The prologue with Varric was witty and alive.

I like that you've made some attempt to portray Anders with his flaws. I also admire that while capturing the other characters, especially Hawke in broad, accurate strokes, you hold the focus appropriately on Anders.

Lastly, I think my favourite bit so far was the wonderfully lush and vivid portrait of Minrathous in its derelict grandeur and sprawling urban decay.

Good job.
strangegibbon chapter 5 . 9/8/2011
Great chapter - exciting, visceral action and snappy dialogue with touches of sharp humour.

"Here they come," Hawke warned. "Grab something sharp and pointy that isn't Fenris!"

"Funny, Hawke," the lyrium-tattooed elf replied flatly.

This line made me laugh out loud. Looking forward to finding out more about Tevinter :)
Theodur chapter 4 . 7/20/2011
That was quite a lot of detail. Are you sure you haven't served on some military vessel or something? :P You'll be my reference for everything naval-related from now on.

I've been thinking that Isabela, once out in the open sea, is probably a much different person than how we know her. Good touch there.

When Varania's name came up, I started to wonder whether I had missed something, and you hadn't actually tackled those quests... but seems Fenris just kicked her out. Well... I guess it's an improvement to murder. At least it allows him to mend things.

Puzzled by the final part, Feynriel's talent is so very creepy! I'm wondering if I should make more of it already or will everything be revealed in due time.
Reflection Muse chapter 3 . 7/14/2011
I loved the use of "catnap" to describe what sort of rest Anders wanted. So cute!

I love the way you describe environments and scenes, as you did in this line:

"Actually, it wasn't all that unpleasant to just lie here, watching small motes of dust dance in the air and shadows play on the walls."

I really enjoyed the interaction in this chapter between Gaelen and Anders, and the delightful bit of sarcasm from both. Their dialog was brilliant. That dialog section between them in the middle is my favorite part of this chapter. It utterly broke my heart (in a good way). It was perfect.

And, the bits with Isabela at the end were great fun to read. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Theodur chapter 3 . 7/14/2011
"On darker days, he was a mabari hound, solid as a rock and twice as stubborn, a beloved companion"

I was asked a question as to where is Riona's mabari, so I'm using this opportunity to ask the same about Gaelen's dog. No dog? Yes dog? Misplaced dog? Blind, stupid reader?

Their worries about dealing with a Tevinter magister reminds me of what happens if you hand Fenris over to Danarius. Danarius sends you some lovely trinkets and offers to be your kind, helpful guide should you ever visit Minrathous. An opportunity missed by Gaelen and Anders? ;)

Liked the scene in the Fade. Your Warden seems lovely.

And yes, Anders continues to be the... ill advised romance option. I guess you plan to rectify that.

And Isabela is horrible, but we know that.
Reflection Muse chapter 2 . 7/12/2011
I love how this chapter turned out, and I apologize for not commenting sooner. It's such a great mix of action, discussion, and relationships. Your dialog is spot on, and wonderfully charming. And, as always, I adore the way you describe things.

I'd point out specifics, but honestly I loved everything about this chapter so much that I'd end up quoting at least half of it. :)
Rattsu chapter 2 . 6/27/2011
Love the tone, love the banter, love the way you write. The first paragraph sums up Llomerryn so perfectly, and you have a real talent for just telling exactly what one needs to know and not anything more. Seriously, you have to be one of my favorite writers out there, language and story structure wise. It is a joy to read, and I can't wait to see more of it.
Theodur chapter 2 . 6/27/2011
I realize this sounds extremely strange, but Fenris is so far my favorite character in this tale so far. ;)

I liked the chapter for all it's 'nothing-really-happens', the banter back and forth between the characters was interesting and refreshing, even if I want to slap Isabela's mouth with a wet trout everytime she opens her piehole to speak.

Nice level of detail as usual, I would guess Rivain is based on some Mediterranean country, Greece? Southern Italy?
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