Reviews for Jar-Jar Binks: The Namon War
Halospartan chapter 1 . 4/25/2018
Hello people from the past, I have found the oldest (at least in my mind) story on fan
LuckyLadybug66 chapter 1 . 6/12/2002
LOL! _ What a cuuute fic! :) Jar Jar meets Sleepy Hollow . . . Hehe . . . And I'm crazy about Captain Tarpals! _ The thought of him having a bunch of grandkids is too cute! :) Pleeeease write more! BTW, I'd be honored if you'd check out my Gungan fics "General Trouble" and "Campfire Tales" . . . LOL _~
Sabertooth Kitty chapter 1 . 5/27/2001
Loved the fic! I'm a big Jar Jar fan myself! Unique way of mixing Sleepy Hollow with the Gungan race. Again...AWESOME!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/11/2000
I think that it is very well written and has a good plot, the author has a good grasp on the charecters
FernWithy 9 chapter 1 . 4/11/2000
Excellent use of dialogue, and I loved hearing the Gungan native language. Only suggestion: Don't stop to give the pronunciation guides. If you're afraid of the name being mispronounced as spelled, spell it the way it's pronounced - you're making it up anyway. Good job. I was just wondering if anyone had done any good Gungan fanfic.
Saba Li Anks chapter 1 . 4/11/2000
heh heh! cuute! good work, Masq!