Reviews for Biting Honesty
Tminor chapter 6 . 6/11/2019
I’m 8 years too late but i’m so happy i kept on the frantic combing through all the archives now that I’ve found this story. it’s just so perfect i’m crying and feeling so full of happiness right now. gdi ugh thank you so much
tongueofserpents chapter 6 . 2/27/2018
Beautiful. You've written Chris and Jill beautifully and in a way that is realistic. This story is an instant favorite. Thanks for writing...
tongueofserpents chapter 4 . 2/27/2018
This chapter is beautiful, their reunion and reconnection. I love it. So realistic, it can be tied into the game...
tongueofserpents chapter 2 . 2/27/2018
It is cute how she bites him and how he worries. They are perfect. I'm loving this story
insomniaaa chapter 6 . 10/25/2012
This is beautiful (ಥ﹏ಥ). Thank you.
azab chapter 5 . 9/27/2012
loved it great job
Little Gem Magnolia chapter 6 . 5/14/2012
I really enjoyed reading this, it was amazing. Thank you so much for writing it. :D
HappyReader44 chapter 6 . 4/27/2012
I know I'm so late to review by I love this story so much and I hope you write Dancing In The Dark.
lazyguy90 chapter 6 . 1/22/2012
Great work on this.
The Beginning of Talent chapter 6 . 9/29/2011
I really enjoyed the outtake chapter. Its really weird how different it was originally. Good work as always.

-God Bless
VeggieJay chapter 5 . 9/23/2011
I read it a few days ago but there's been one nagging thing on my mind since then and I figured that I would drop some feedback on it.

It was the p-word usage! (and it's not because I'm morally conservative or anything like that.) In the context of the chapter it just felt out of place. Even if it's a glimpse at his internal monologue I don't know if 30-something Chris would be so callous, in general he's pretty proper as it is, right? It's a word that needs a reason to be thrown out there and I felt like it broke the lovey-dovey buildup of the thing. Even if they're rough in the sack, I don't think they'd be so rough in their language to describe it. Still love Ch. 4 and everything else in 5 though.
Skiptrix chapter 6 . 9/21/2011
I absolutely love this. The only bad thing about it is that this' the last chapter. It's a thoughtful look at 'Valenfield' and it sounds almost canon. The notes look cool too Great job :D
volepitofregret chapter 6 . 9/21/2011
A fantastic end to a fantastic series of oneshots. Well done.
Chirika chapter 6 . 9/21/2011
Aw that could (and should) have happened post Re5, though the kiss between the too is what many fans wanna see, but still I prefer the emotion in the original chapter without the kiss XD.

So many stories in the future to wait with interesting plot, yay! n_n. Looking forward to your work.
Kenshin13 chapter 6 . 9/21/2011
Even though I'm a hardcore Chris/Jill shipper I think that your original chapter 4 (without smooches) is much stronger than this. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed reading this, but the scene you wrote where Jill bites Chris to make sure he was real was so powerful and emotional.
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