Reviews for Side Right Up
Guest chapter 1 . 10/5/2013
Bad? how can this be bad? This is good as shit, I laughed so hard and yeah gotta love Gaaraw
WolfLovesFood chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
That was... Weird. Crazy good weird. Tho the spelling could do some checking...I think "basturd" has two a's, no u.

I don't know if it was on purpose, but my fav typo was "Holy Shirt".

And when Naruto asked; "Is he dead?" I half expected Gaara to say something to the effect of "The dead can't fucking sue people, moron."

All this considering I've never watched Naruto. I read this coz I liked your other fics... ;3
MelanisticLeopard chapter 1 . 9/23/2011
So funny! Soooo random! I'm not saying Naruto wouldn't jump out of a car... but he wouldn't do it for no reason.. I'd like to know what that reason is. Seriously... I know he's crazy, but

OH btw your summary says Naruto sent Sasuke to the hospital...

I mean, Sasuke was technically part of the accident... but you said he was fine...

Oh, & the cast thing.

Apparently Naruto only had a minor concussion.

So he wouldn't have casts on his arm & abdomen O.o

Too much Gaara! I mean, I like Gaara~! But this was a NaruSasu story. Not enough Sasuke!

...I want to know a bit more about what they did in Sasu's house...
beachqueen17 chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
omg! this is hilarious! I loved it and hahahaha..."cause thats just how i do shit." YOu had me laughing so hard. Bitch bell...nice very nice
XXxliaaxXX chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
OMG That was awesome...

I love naruto when hes like this and not all whiny or slow...It was soo funny..
PWTMC chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
This was too funny.

I love your voice.

Fabulous xD
Kookie134 chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
Haha! I love it! Funny and short and to the point. Keep it up!
NICHA chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
... I wish there was more...
Narusasu78 chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
I would say write more but then it wouldn't fit with the style you wrote but PLEASE WRITE MORE XD it was really good
Haiku-sensei chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
Good idea, but badly written. It's rushed. I'm sure you can do way better. Somethings are really unclear in this story. As example: Why did Naruto jump out of the car. It can't be random... Would aslo be better if you actually wrote down what Sasuke and Naruto talked about and how they connected plus write a real lemon. I'm sorry if thos sounds to negative (which I kind of am) but common you can do better than this. I hope this helps and yours next story will be awesome because the idea seriously great!