Reviews for The Swarm of War
DarkLegions chapter 87 . 7/31
Tho its been ages since the last update, I'm still hopeful for the return of this great and glorious story.
koseta.a chapter 38 . 7/13
I like the story but you add way to many new zerg units that a lot of it is just describing said units and not much else.
Guest chapter 53 . 7/11
Useless Mortals chapter 1 . 7/8
*Reads description*
*Goes to get box of tissues*
D'nnome chapter 42 . 5/26
Cato Sicarius has taken your position.

And now the prick is looking to be Chapter Master.
D'nnome chapter 29 . 5/24
"For Khorne!"

"For the Emperor!"

Ah yes. The champions duel in the name of their respective paraplegic sociopath and asshole dad.
Acidflame chapter 42 . 5/24
I bet that Blood Raven Scout Sargent "aquired" most of those "gifts" for the Inquisitor...

I bet he has a tactical powe crowbar somewhere...
SirFrendZone chapter 4 . 5/10
Hi Tobi Zerg. Its ZvT?
Darkendone chapter 18 . 5/2
nice time for war
Fushes chapter 87 . 4/18
No more updates?
douob chapter 15 . 4/10
I don't know if that democracy part at the end was a joke or not but that was funny
connor2000 chapter 15 . 4/7
dude I love this writer, although I'm sad the zerg aren't badass. I agree with him/you that a narrative in a zerg fanfic is nice for once. epic story so far.
Darklight404 chapter 87 . 4/5
One of the best crossoverfanfic i ever read during this pandemic sadly i wont get new chapter anyway best fanfic
Rusticsoldier chapter 19 . 4/4
At chapter 19.. wow author is awesome. He manageged to attack a remote village wih over whelming numbers and slaughtered the women and children and innocent men... because they are a threat to his great hive...this story is becoming pointless. Is this a story about how to be the bigger villian.. im starting to think this is the authors personal desire of killing women and children form a characters perspective their is no real reason. After all the hive can live off of sunlight if they needed to not to mention they could easily farm resources.

Even the pervert brother has not done anything wrong. Having desires is not a sin. But murder is. Also if e4ic has changed into some zerg beast thing. How the hell can they recognize each other i seen the zerg creature the author described. Or at least a variation. Monster is the best guess. I also think the author missing some areas why doesn't he optimize the genetics to make a human vessel with hidden weaponry why craft such a ugly flesh golem. He could easily creating living armor they could wear. No reason to make them live in a flesh golem of that nature.
Rusticsoldier chapter 15 . 4/4
I am on chapter 15. One of the things that bothers me is that all the authors pretty much assume that annihilation of all other races must take place. NThere is no trying to make a community for the weak and helpless serfs. Or even helping to grow possible a biological community. While i understand that civilians would be able to provide little in the way of help. There really no reason to destroy them utterly. Not to mention if you take over the planet you could make a government with no greed. Allowing the civilians to build up into a credible ally. You could easily make a full skyscapers and cities using phyionic protoss technology by creating protoss all over again and even metallic stuctors for man.
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