Reviews for Ibuprofen and Plasma
dawnofsummer chapter 36 . 5/25
Its two am right now and i'm grinning like the cheshire cat. I literally love this story so much. Thank you for giving Reid a happy ending, poor guy deserves it, and he will forever be the loml even after he marries Gwen.
MissLynn11 chapter 36 . 11/9/2018
Great story!
Maddy chapter 36 . 7/27/2018
Omg! this is the first Spencer Reid love story that I liked enough to read all the way through! I loved this book! I wish I could see your idea of him as a father and Gwen as a mother, but I love the book nonetheless. I loved the way you write and the smooth plot line.
Guest chapter 28 . 7/26/2018
I love this chapter
Maddy chapter 22 . 7/26/2018
I would have loved to read about Spencer telling Gwen about his experience. It would get them on the same ground. Love your book! I have been reading it nonstop :)
Guest chapter 35 . 4/15/2017
Hey, never think you HAVE to update to please people. You've got a captive audience, use that to your advantage. You have over 100,000 words! That, my friend, is a humongous acheivement.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14/2017
! This fanfic is just exceptional, I mean, it's very well written and you take a great deal of care in making your characters come to life. You should do this for a living!
animelover56348 chapter 36 . 8/28/2016
Great great story! A refreshing read really.
Bloodskye1512 chapter 2 . 6/19/2015
Yeah - I like it. It's a good solid story so far. Likeable characters and no heavy prose.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/17/2015
Who needs guns when you have skillets? Love this story.
flowerpants chapter 36 . 2/3/2014
awww what a cute story... loved it!
Raven J. Haile chapter 36 . 10/23/2013
This was fangtastic! I am so glad they are getting married, they are so cute together. I cannot wait for the sequel. :3
boostarryeyes chapter 36 . 9/29/2013
I just love this story.
Reid and the team are realistic and I love the characters you've created.
What I really like is that you managed to have drama without it going overboard. So many have their characters being injured or kidnapped ever other chapter that they become unreadable whereas yours was spot on.
Thanks for sharing and look forward to the sequel. :)
cvtaylor chapter 36 . 8/28/2013
I just finished this story and I loved it! You deserved all the praise that you got from this book:) Thanks for writing!
Not-Knowing-Is-Everything chapter 36 . 8/25/2013
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