Reviews for Confessions and Epiphanies of a Gay, Black Wizard
YaoiHellian chapter 5 . 8/6/2018
Brought up some very valid points, though I don't pay to much attention to the skin color of most characters in books when you see a live action version that should have a, more or less, diverse range of people in it and you see just the bare minimum it leaves you thinking. Lovely story, a really good example of teen shenanigans.
YaoiHellian chapter 1 . 8/6/2018
Brought up some very valid points, I typically don't pay attention to the skin color of most characters in books, however, when you have a live action version of the overall story you kinda look around like, where is everyone. The whole Lavender Brown thing was a little on the nose though. Nevertheless a wonderful story and a great showing of teen shenanigans. Thanks for writing.
wish we could delete accounts chapter 5 . 12/27/2015
This was brilliant. The Dean/Seamus dynamic was amazing, and the way you formatted the story-with flashbacks and different events peppered throughout-was incredibly interesting and definitely added a unique flavour to this fanfic. The Hermione/Dean relationship was heartwarming, and Seamus' character was very well done. Dean was absolutely wonderful-his personality, his revelations, his relationships-gods, incredible. Well done!
KeruKeru chapter 5 . 10/7/2015
Okay, I'm gonna be honest, I actually found this story as a joke. My friend and I were messing around, looking for something to do instead of pay attention in our class and I had wanted to read a Dean/Seamus story ever since reading an article about JK Rowling supposedly having intended to put the two together in the books. Of course, the story had to be rated M, because most great fanfics have such a rating. Low and behold we found this gem.

This was the first fanfic I've read in months and let me say, bravo for this masterful piece. While I don't try to pretend I know much about Dean or Seamus, this painted them in such a light that I'm saddened they weren't given a more main-character status in the books and, subsequently, the movies. Given the actors who portrayed them, I would've gladly seen this love story played out.

I do admit that it was difficult to follow at times, with the switching between days,months, seasons and years, but it did assist with getting to the root of their love for one another and I commend you for doing what many best-selling authors can't do. The final scene also assisted with a joke my friend and I now have going because we were waiting for them to final consummate their relationship.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/29/2013
This just set my standard for any fic with Dean.
rebecca chapter 5 . 8/30/2013
Nicely done! There's not enough minor-character good fiction out there, thanks for writing this
Guest chapter 5 . 8/4/2013
I love this fic. It's actually perfect. But I have one question: why do you say 'room room' and 'room sense'? But seriously, the fic is fantastic :*
Guest chapter 5 . 2/7/2013
Great fic! I'm glad I came by after reading the Dean/Ange fic. Your writing is AMAZING. I hope you'll write more one day :D
Guest chapter 4 . 2/7/2013
Sibling bonding ALWAYS gets me :'(
Its strange that they are having that conversation so soon, things held up for a while after Dumble died, but its so sad that I still enjoyed it. Lol
Guest chapter 2 . 2/7/2013
Dean and Ginny started dating in his 5th year actually...I remember 'cause Harry was put out about it on the train and that's when I realized Harry/Ginny was gonna be a 'thing' and I almost stopped reading the series. I can't stand things that lack proper build up. Especially in a series that long. It kinda felt like she was making a effort to NOT have Harry singledom is a disease or supn...end rant! Lol
Did I just spot an asexual character?
I love the way you have Dean and Seamus interact. It feels real and like friends, but more. Like they are already more than friends, but they don't realize it yet (if that makes sense).
Guest chapter 1 . 2/7/2013
Thinking about it, racism based on black/white/asian etc would not be a big part of wizarding world, they have a different definition of race and mostly kept themselves separate from the muggle world. Any prejudices based on skin color would likely have been brought over by muggle-borns. A fic that got me thinking! Lol
I love the way you are developing Dean. The fact that he only realized both Seamus and Blaise were boys AFTER the convo made me smile. It was also very heartwarming and sweet the way they were talking.
Didget chapter 5 . 9/7/2012
lol i love this story! its mad and made me think about Dean & Seamus in more depth. :D Good Job & Keep it up

AccioStarkid chapter 5 . 5/26/2012
This was really lovely. Race in Harry Potter is something me and my nerd friends have had discussions about and a lot of what you wrote I agree with. Plus, Seamus and Dean are my favorite under appreciated pairing :) Fantastic story!
anon chapter 5 . 5/15/2012
Brilliant! Thank you for this epic fic. It was beautiful and sad and RIGHT. Would love to see more from you.
girlintime chapter 5 . 5/11/2012
Beautiful ending. Just beautiful. Poignant.

I can't remember seeing any mention of what happened to Dean at the end of DH though...too lazy to re-read right now lol
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