Reviews for The Something and the Nothing
benignmilitancy chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
Uhhhhh, where to start. Flowery? Nah. The setting depends with the context, and you can't really judge based on other people's work. (shakes head) That's like saying you hate Stephen King's stories because they don't have elements of Issac Asimov's. It's called a style, people! Yeesh. Although I did think Dallas was just a smidge OOC...but who the hell am I to talk, right?

At first, I thought it was Dally's mom and Buck who were in the relationship, and that Buck was kind of a father figure to Dally-that's how it came off to me initially. Can you imagine my face when they started doing...stuff? XD Lol.

My only real criticisms include a few grammar mistakes...and your syntax. I love your writing. I just tend to lose my focus with a few of these longer paragraphs. Personally, I think you're telling more than showing in some paragraphs. You might also want to vary your sentence structure a little more-instead of relying so much on complex clauses. I know, they're fun-fun but DANGEROUS! Lol. But in others, you're golden. (Like this one: "Fisting at Buck's hair, he pulls his head back and tries to find an even breath. Buck kisses him sloppily, desperately, shrugging his leg off his shoulder and pulling Dallas to his feet as he stands. And in a matter of seconds that run into each other, he's bent over the railing, Buck slick and hot and inside of him, bunching his jacket and shirt between his shoulder blades. The heat that ravages through him is instantaneous." -I was like, holy shit, Batman! Kaboom!)

Grammar-wise, you're pretty good. I'd just beta these things:

-"It's the kind of thing that brought them and will keep them together; and it could very well be the death of them."-Ands usually don't go after semicolons. Don't worry; I've also broken this rule many, many times. Semicolons start a new clause, and you can't have "and," "or", or "but" after them. Lay the rules, man! XD

-"Sometimes he wishes he could help, but Buck comes from a long line of stubborn Texans and Wyoming cowboys that believe in getting things done by the sweat of their own brow." -Cowboys who believe in getting things done by the sweat of their brows.

-"He watches Buck over the top of his beer as the cowboy settles back in his plastic chair and his orange, tailless tabby rubs against his leg." -No comma needed.

So I tend to write too little; you tend to write a lot. We should collab on a fic. We'll make the perfect fanfic together, lol. None shall pass! xpp I'm sorry I'm being super-picky today. It's just that, Number One, I love your work, and I want everybody to FUCKING REVIEW IT (glares at computer screen) YEAH, YOU, YOU FUCK-ASS NON-REVIEWING MOTHERFUCKERRRRS! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! XD You want it in the best form possible. Some people, like me, ain't got no brains and need showing instead of telling. xp Number Two, I just got back from taking the SAT, so I'm stuck in uber-picky-grammar mode right now. xp

"Ain't it past your bedtime?" Buck hangs his head over his chair, smiling at the sky. "You're too young t' be stayin' out, runnin' around all goddamn night."

He gives Buck an impassive, disbelieving look. "You're just old."

"Is that what ya call it?" he asks, hands folded over his stomach. "Old?"

"Twenty-four sounds pretty fuckin' old to me, man."

Bucks scoops up his cat and shakes his head, listening to the tabby give a low growl in protest. "I'm nearly as old as your mom."

Placing his beer on the table, he scowls and swallows hard. "She says hi, by the way."

Buck tips his hat and nods. "And a howdy-do to the missus."

"She misses you," he says, staring somewhere over Buck's shoulder. "Says it ain't the same without you around."

I love the way you say things. Wish I was able to do that. Damn. This deserves so many freaking reviews-I'd give you a hundred if I could. This was amazing. Favorites!
cassy1994 chapter 1 . 8/20/2011
so they go from being friends with benefits to having a little more meaning to it
Cheap Indifference chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
So it's taken me forever to review anything ever! What the hell are you gonna do HUH HUH! just jokes I love you I just... you know I don't even have an excuse so ha... whatever ONWARDS. Um, I just about peed at this PS: "(P.S. You've got a blowjob in this. A FREAKING BLOWJOB. Bump the rating back to M, you dork.)" Oh Al the riot. Yup it deserves an M rating jenjen. I'm excited you're going to wake up to a review! legit though,... ONWARDS.

First off gqliheragpofFHP;ERUfgijortgheraio;ghdfkbgaerfoghaer. You know what I mean! Black and yellow! But actually you knew how I felt about this pairing before you wrote it and the pairing still makes me cringe AND I was like D: the entire time but my mind was like OMFG THIS IS SO GOOD! It's actually one of my favourite slash's you have written which moves me on to my bitching at other peoples reviews for just a second.

Flowery? Really? I read that and was like wtf does that even mean because seriously when it come to your slash ESPECIALLY when you're writing Dallas... it ain't flowery. So I was real confused by it actually I had to go back and read just to check if we were all reading the same thing. Okay soooo MAYBE Dallas is a bit more sensitive in this slash but I thought you got the point across that Dallas actually CARES about Buck... maybe other people didn't catch that. I mean if you actually care about someone you WILL be more sensitive even if you are Dallas Winston, even more so that is was mentioned Buck was his first... HELLO! I don't care who you are male or female your first is... I don't think there's a word so yeah the way you wrote Dallas was totally believable, realistic and if you would have written him any other way like when he's with Johnny... it would make any sense at all NONE. My eyebrow is raised at your reviews jenjen!

People think it's cliche to have Dallas Winston have emotion and notice the stars. It's fucking cliche that people think he doesn't.

I like that... it's going on my profile because it is actually my biggest pet peeve in this fandom. RAGE! END RANT.

So I was reading this la la la la you know and when they started making out I was like this will be as far as it goes because it's rated T and then all of a sudden I was like WAIT WHAT! And I probs read over the blow job scene 5 or 6 times, well written by the by! Legit the most disgusting thing in like ever and you made it... not ha. What I mean is you put just enough information in without me being like *barf face*

Is it just me or did you take something out? I might be mistaking... but I cannot find my favourite part of the one shot! Please let me know next time we talk. Maybe I'm just a crazy cat lady. BUT I am pretty sure you did and you should put it back cuz it was the best part of your one shot.

OH and:

"An emasculating sound catches in his throat as Buck hums around him..." -Sometimes men make this sound in bed. They can't help it, it just happens. And that's realistic. Sorry all of Al's dissing I happen to disagree with because it was some of the best parts.


Anyway, I'm not a fan of the pairing really. It makes me sad! And it's Buck BUCK. But I am a fan of your writing, your number one fan so I will read whatever you write even if it is another Buck and Dallas pairing *sighs* ;)

Love ya like a sista ;D

K. Nefertiti chapter 1 . 6/8/2011
Amazing. You have great description and it's all very real.

I love how you do oneshots like this that focus on the rough and - to be honest - sexual desire between the characters. It's not fluffy or romantic, but realistic to the time period and the people.

Not going to lie - at first the pairing kind of put me off, but based on your past writings, I decided to take a shot at it anyway. I am officially a fan of Buck and Dallas.

Once again, I have nothing but praise for this. Awesome job, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
EspressoShot chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
I also think that this story was a bit more flowery than your other, more raw stories, but it's interesting for a change. You do both styles very well.

I liked the insight into Buck's family life and how he took on the farm after his grandpa died. I always like reading the different backstories that people make up for Buck, and I though yours fit him well.

You did a good job with the slash-y scene too. It was definitely hot, but not overly done. It was just the perfect balance of everything. The part at the end where Buck told Dally to stay was nice, too. It shows off a side of both of them that's not usually seen.

Good job!
notactiveonff chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
I warn you ... the first half of this isn't praise. I don't normally pick on your prose, but it was too flowery for me in areas. I'll pick on a few lines to illustrate my point:

-"The wind picks up and licks at the landscape, rustles the leaves and hums through the tall grass."

-"staring at the few straggling stars that haven't quite disappeared yet."

-"The wind chimes out front ring out through the empty spaces of silence

-"glimmer of hope, a silver lining around the masses of the grey that hang overhead."

I realize you're trying to paint the mood of the scene in these lines, but it came across cliché. I mean, think about it. This is always how the atmosphere is created in bad sex scenes. "Beneath the straggling stars, he could hear the wind chime. There was a glimmer of hope, blah blah blahhh" If you cut "straggling", "chime", "glimmer of hope" and such like, I think it'll sound much better.

And moving into the sex itself:

-"An emasculating sound catches in his throat as Buck hums around him..."

Emasculating sound? Hums? Are you writing a Harlequin romance novel? Something like "His throat catches as Buck moves (I'm still looking for the right verb, but hums is definitely not it)" might sound better. Simple isn't always bad, especially in sex scenes.

-"Buck slick and hot and inside of him"

-"The heat that ravages through him is instantaneous."

Slick and hot is overkill. I'd cut those adjectives and alter the last line to "The heat runs through him quickly" or something simple like that.

*sighs* I feel bad picking on your prose like this. At first I wondered why now and not in the past, but then I went back and read a couple of your other slash pieces and understood. Those weren't flowery like this. They were rough and dirty, and I liked it that way. This is what this piece needs, that touch of rawness I always applaud you for in the others.

Now, unto praise. If you were to edit out the extra adjectives in the places I pointed out and perhaps a few others, I think you'd have something golden. That's really all it is that's pushing for me, and believe me, you have several, SEVERAL lines that are working for you in this. I'll point those out, too:

-He gives Buck an impassive, disbelieving look. "You're just old."

I love this whole scene at the beginning, where they're talking about Buck's age. It was so smooth and realistic, it was like I was watching a movie. :)

-"Before the hillbilly wormed his way into his life, he forgot what it was like to have somebody care about him."

This just makes me kinda sad. Poor Dally. He just needs someone to love him!

-"It had been a long time coming, and maybe a product of boredom and curiosity"

HA! I like that description of it. Of course, Dal, it's just boredom...

-"Buck kisses him sloppily, desperately, shrugging his leg off his shoulder and pulling Dallas to his feet as he stands."

Uh, YUM!

I know I just said it earlier, but I ADORED your opening scene. Please, please, please right more of Buck and Dallas like this. Their interaction just seemed so real. I loved it!

Well, that's it. I'm glad you posted it. My little snags about the prose aside, it really was an enjoyable read. Write more Buck and Dally or I'll hurt you. :)

(P.S. You've got a blowjob in this. A FREAKING BLOWJOB. Bump the rating back to M, you dork.)