Reviews for Ghostly World
MoonTear chapter 66 . 11/15/2016
I loved your story it was amazing. I just hate that Trina didn't get to fall in love with someone as well, I'm a big Trina fan, maybe you can do a story like this one with differences where she is the main character and maybe at first she doesn't like the guy but they end up falling in LOVE if you do just please don't let it be sinjin nothing againts him I just don't like them as a couple.
Myan chapter 65 . 2/2/2013
You should do a sequel!
suilnmbvc chapter 66 . 12/2/2012
wonderful :) i loved reading this story, and it's awesome Sikowitz can keep delivering the message, though immortality does sound like more of a curse than a gift. still, he seems like the perfect person to keep telling the tale to remind everyone about what has happened and why it should not be forgotten. and Nevel's fate is definitely truly horrible. death would be merciful for him, it seems.
suilnmbvc chapter 65 . 12/2/2012
it makes sense for Trina to become Head Angel, seeing as not only is she first-born, but she's also super-powerful. it's great Tori and Andre can be together. looks like it *is* meant to be! :D the battle was great, and it's great how much everyone has grown and that now they can focus on healing and ruling their realms. :)
suilnmbvc chapter 64 . 12/2/2012
this battle is so intense! i knew Cat would think of something to stop Robbie from destroying everyone and himself in that pure state, but now it looks like Sinjin may have them beat.
suilnmbvc chapter 63 . 12/1/2012
the title of this chapter was not lying one bit. things are getting very bad, and they're going to have to think fast to keep Robbie from exploding.
suilnmbvc chapter 62 . 12/1/2012
i must say... i did not expect Lucifer to just die like that... and being the nerd i am, i find it funny Lucifer said that his son would be stepping up, and in Milton's Paradise Lost, Satan raped his daughter, Sin, who then gave birth to Death, and Sinjin's the Angel of Death. XD anyway, with how fast the Shadow Realm went, it almost seemed anti-climatic, but there are still three chapters of The Final Showdown. :3 i can already tell this is going to be epic.
suilnmbvc chapter 61 . 12/1/2012
Brad and Penny must have been ecstatic to hear about the possibility of Johnny being saved, while at the same time horrified of what has happened to him. i'm glad the gang took some time to visit Sikowitz. it must have been so surreal and uplifting seeing them after this time as well as seeing how much they've changed and grown.
suilnmbvc chapter 60 . 12/1/2012
i feel bad for Andre and Tori, but it's like Tori said: "If it's meant to happen, it'll happen." she's been doing well accepting her destiny and doing all she can to help save the universe. and Andre seems to be too, and at least the two of them would be able to stay friends. :) it looks like everyone's enjoying the peace before the storm, which is good. it's nice to have some time like that, especially with the huge battle fast-approaching. i'm sure Sinjin refuses to go down gently. with all that power lost, he's sure to be bordering desperation now.
suilnmbvc chapter 59 . 12/1/2012
the deaths of Hecate and the Shadow Realm Royal Guard was almost humorous at the end. X3 i can just imagine the "oh crap" look on Hecate's face upon seeing the light coming her way.
epic battle between Trina and Judas. she is seriously strong, though i guess i can't expect much less from someone with both Slayer blood and the blood of King David. X3
suilnmbvc chapter 58 . 12/1/2012
it's sad that the only way to save the Slayer Realm is for it to be destroyed, but with that much corruption... yep, Trina may be rash, but she's not stupid enough to go there and face all of those Fallens by herself - good thing too, seeing as it looks like Judas will take all of her concentration.
suilnmbvc chapter 57 . 12/1/2012
ah, Cat is very tricky. X3 she was able to get a lot of good information, and it should all really help them. Sinjin won't be happy once it dawns on him what happened, though. X3
suilnmbvc chapter 56 . 12/1/2012
O_O a truly horrid fate. i'm sure Nevel will want to escape just so he *can* die. this was an awesome chapter; i loved the fight, and now all the realms are free of the Angel of Death's influence! :D huge fight coming up, and it definitely looks like everyone is more than ready for it.
suilnmbvc chapter 55 . 11/27/2012
i laughed a bit at the statement of Valerie's family not being too keen about her having a baby. X3
"wait! the father helped save everyone!"
"... fine, he can live."
that was the dialogue that ended up going through my head, lol
that was an epic battle against the 'pet'. i feel bad for Beck having to lose his father and grandfather, but i agreed with Jade about them dying for the world they loved. their deaths (none of the innocents' deaths) will be in vain. with that statement at the end, i could see the fury and determination in Beck's eyes.
suilnmbvc chapter 54 . 11/27/2012
epic battles, especially with Rama and his DNA-contributor. i really like Rama. he shows that the blood in your veins doesn't mean *near* as much as the choices you make. and i kinda find it funny the Angel of Death's son is named Nazar, which is the name of a charm meant to protect you from the Evil Eye. X3
the other Elemental tribe leaders sound very cool, and it's really interesting about Era and the poison she emits. it makes her a very formidable opponent but comes at a high price it seems.
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