Reviews for should i just keep chasing pavements
findingthesunlight chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
oh my God.
that was amazing.

how finn loves rachel & santana loves brittany & they don’t quite love each other. i love the theme of broken things. how finn is jealous and santana just doesn’t care to hate him and how they always see each other. i just love this.
babyourenotalone chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
I don't even really ship them, but this made me (kinda.) Very, very well written. I really liked the mentions of Finchel and Brittana. Really good:)
cerseilannisters chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
sobs. oh my god. sobs. so I miss you and I went to send you a pm and I couldn't and i died inside. But I got distracted by your writing. First off let me say I hope Finn dies in a fire because I have never liked him. At all. like ever.

Yet here you are again making me like him. I adore Santana and I sorta adore Finntana is the way you write them. Ugh. You kill me with how beautiful and tragic and wonderful their relationship sounds and I honestly just cannot.

So this was really lovely. And i love you. come back to me. jhdsjhfsdkj. Anyways. Great job baby as always it was perfect.
child of gust chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
awhhhh ! I love it...!

Finn and Santana had a chance... and they both watch as it flies away.. so sad.. this story is awesome.
iliads chapter 1 . 7/29/2011
Why doesn't your work have more reviews? This is great, seriously. This pairing has always intrigued me and I just love the way you've portrayed them, it's so real - especially with the mentions off FinnRachel and SantanaBrittany. Ugh, you are a fantastic writer, really.

Amazing work.
affability chapter 1 . 6/6/2011
I absolutely love this.

I love how you captured the complicatedness and the sometimes simpleness of Finn and Santana. I love how it was all pieced together, and it was very well-written and bleak and bittersweet and very Finn and Santana.

I revere the way you portray their relationship and how their both so in character here. This was lovely, utterly lovely, and everything was beautifully written and it /really/ flew together.

And I like how Finn just turns to Santana in his time of need and how she just knows what to do with him. Lovely written. You are my favorite F/S writer and I can't wait to see more fics about these lovelies from you

Gorgeously done.
qwpoijd chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Tragic, but I love it.
Lazielow chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Awesome job ! XP