Reviews for Justice is a Bag of Jelly Beans
lmill123 chapter 2 . 3/31
An excellent way for Tony to make a point. Even Ziva got it for once. Even managed to get it through a hard headed marine. I wonder if they are trained to have tunnel vision and hearing.
AlaskanFan chapter 2 . 12/30/2018
Excellent point, and very-well made. Thanks!
Cokeheller chapter 2 . 11/6/2018
Another great story. I love strong professional Tony!
barbaratakuyaho chapter 2 . 11/19/2014
Just browsing through NCIS looking for something to read and this appeared. Excellent plot and very thought provoking, And because your writing style is easy to read I'll continue to check you out.
SharonE68 chapter 2 . 10/22/2014
I’m exploring and enjoying the journey. GOOD ONE...JELLY BEANS...YEP I GET IT
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 2 . 1/4/2014
Nicely written, good job. Hope you do more.
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Very good story..
USAFChief chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
I just reviewed chapter two, so this review is out of order, but I just realized that this was the last one before your current I get to go to it next.

Zowie...and it's only taken a week to read all your stuff.

USAFChief chapter 2 . 8/28/2011
Here I am again - almost caught up with you. This one was very, very good. I liked the way you have Ziva beginning to understand Tony just a bit.

Haven't said much about your ability to string together your sentences into coherent thought lately, but it is excellent. As is your dialog. I'm really looking forward to getting into your latest offering, but not enough to go there before I get there through the rest.

Thanks for posting this one.

Belker chapter 2 . 8/10/2011
Aah, Tony the wise one... And he can brawl too! And Gibbs stepped in at just the right moment. Perfect :)


victoriantealady chapter 2 . 6/7/2011
I really enjoyed your explaination with the jelly beans. And it is true; it takes courage to stand down a crowd and stand with your convictions.
tiffaroolou chapter 2 . 6/6/2011
Awesome ending! I loved Tony's acting out of the analogy, and that last exchange between him and Ziva was just perfect. Great job!
sarahsrr chapter 2 . 6/5/2011
Sorry . Its going to be a short and very late review since i have a terrible headache right now and still procrastinating!

Good thing Tony was able to hold his own with the staff sergeant and only dislocated his shoulder. And good thing the wife was okay along with her unborn baby. And Tony did all this without Gibbs too. And at least Gibbs showed up in the end to make sure Tony saw a doctor. Glad it all turned out all right and loved the jelly beans reference! Very well done!

Mezzo Beev chapter 2 . 6/4/2011
I like seeing how Tony takes care of his teammates, tailoring his approach to each one’s needs. And I like the peek into Ziva’s puzzling over their way of doing business. She had a big shift in MO to undergo, coming from the world of Mossad to the world of NCIS.

Yea Tony! Kicking bad buy butt (well, knee) so effectively! Yet still collecting some obligatory whumpage. And his insistence on knowing what had happened to Mateo even when he was essentially told it was not his business was good leadership.

I also liked your description of how Tony physicalized the jelly bean analogy to make his point. And I like that in the end, both Mateo and Glenn were true to their natures as good guys leading to what was probably the best possible resolution to the situation.

The whole jelly bean thing is a nice example of Tony’s apparent goofiness having a very serious, and successful, purpose.

One quibble though. I was a little disoriented by where in the narrative you placed the scene between Mateo and Glenn in the ER. No matter where you put it, it’s going to interrupt the Tony-centric flow of the story, but it would have fit in the timeline more naturally at a later point.

All in all, a fun romp for the reader and, one hopes, some good lessons for an observing Ziva.
Proseac chapter 2 . 6/4/2011
3 am? How can you even write coherent sentences at that hour?

A splendid conclusion, m'dear! I love the morality play aspect to this, and Tony's use of the Jelly Bean analogy was just so perfectly TONY.

Mateo is a really interesting character; will he decide to stay in the US, after being attacked like that? Hope we see more of him in the future. (I love how your OCs pop up in different stories).
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