Reviews for His, Hers, No one's
Bell 1 chapter 23 . 9/5
I forgot I already read this story, so I started to review the previous chapter, when FFn told me I couldn't post the review because I already reviewed it... over SIX years ago! Therefore, I'll post what I thought was a new review here instead...

Well, I loved everything about this story until the final (previous) chapter, which tore my heart out completely.

Sure, both Bella and Paul had their issues and insecurities, but they were learning to work through those together and to learn to open their hearts again with the other. They were also learning they were deserving because the other showed them through their words, actions, and support. Plus, others in their lives were showing them how much they supported and looked forward to these two having it all together.

Which is why this last (previous) chapter was so hard.

It is one thing for your own hopes and dreams to be shattered, but when you have others in your life, who started to put these hopes and dreams in your head and help you to believe and accept you could have it all, it makes those losses so much worse. I know... I've been through similar disappointments in my life. I, too, have had to learn to accept these things as reality and my life, but to read something similar in a story, which was building to be great, was too much reality. :'( :'( :'( :'(

Don't get me wrong, I know not all stories have a HEA, but I was really looking forward to that with this story. :( I wanted to see both of them have a second chance at life and have it all. Sure, they have each other, which is wonderful. And they have a lot of love and family around them, including their own granddaughter, but I bawled my eyes out at their not getting it all.

Thanks for sharing, even if it isn't the ending I would have preferred, I still enjoyed the story. 3
KyloRen'sgirl213 chapter 1 . 7/13
Love love love love LOVE IT
vampires-r-bloody-hot chapter 22 . 7/7
love it
futurecullen26 chapter 20 . 6/15
They're so great together I- :,)
futurecullen26 chapter 11 . 6/15
Go Sierra for helping them move this along!
futurecullen26 chapter 9 . 6/15
Oooo here we gooo
Guest chapter 23 . 5/27
Great story made me weep x
Kmpcarter chapter 11 . 5/1
I hope Paul phases again. I think the wolves are sexy.
Kmpcarter chapter 2 . 5/1
Paul is with Rachel. I thought this was a Bella/Paul story?
HoldYourBreath-Hiccup chapter 20 . 3/25
This story is so beautiful. I have no words, completely in love.
D00rFr4m3 chapter 23 . 8/26/2019
This was an excellent read, thank you for writing!
momma2fan chapter 22 . 8/25/2019
It's not often that a story makes me cry, but this one did it. My heart broke for Bella, but I rejoiced at her triumphs. Glad that she got her happy ending, both of them. Great job.
rachel625 chapter 23 . 7/19/2019
This story was just so amazing. It was so hard not to get teary during several parts! Thank you for sharing such a great read!
jcampbell943 chapter 22 . 6/27/2019
I'm not crying, you're crying. The truth is I'm bawling. Oh sweet bella, this broke my heart. I loved her relationship with Sierra and how you wrote it in this chapter but I wish her and Paul would have been able to have children together. So sad.
jcampbell943 chapter 10 . 6/27/2019
I bawled like a baby. There I said it. I could feel the loneliness, it was palpable. Kudos
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