Reviews for Bad Feelings, Good Feelings
wow chapter 39 . 8/10
just finished reading this story and love it.
meda6d chapter 39 . 8/5
YAY! FINALLY! I have been waiting for a long time.
The Vikings Succubus chapter 39 . 8/5
Love the new chapters and I can't wait for more
georgiasuzy chapter 39 . 8/4
Yay thanks for the update! Sounds like Sookie has deeply bonded with Erin. I hope Eric is as pleased as Sookie. I can't wait to see his reaction to her letter.
Perfecta999 chapter 39 . 8/3
awww so sweet :) Loved this chapter :) Looking forward to the next update :)
bttrflybelle chapter 39 . 8/3
Can't wait for Eric's reaction :)
ciasteczko chapter 39 . 8/2
Nice.. I like it.. well written.. Well done..
MsNorthman chapter 39 . 8/2
Thanks for the update!
amyshanae17 chapter 39 . 8/1
Thanks for the new chapter! Cant wait for the next and to see how it all plays out! You Rock!
tleel chapter 39 . 8/1
Thank you for the new chapter. Even though it was very short it was very good.
WritingMiss8 chapter 39 . 8/1
Yay another upload. Awe Erin is just so cute!
jackie69 chapter 39 . 8/1
wow...thanks for updating this story again!
I really hope Eric accepts Erin.
Stay safe.
michelledarce chapter 38 . 7/16
Glad to see you writing again and hope to see more soon! Enjoying this story!
Toria Nala chapter 38 . 7/16
Please update sooner than soon
Toni9536 chapter 38 . 7/5
Awesome thanks for the update !
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