Reviews for Ring Around the Rosie
Alana-kittychan chapter 5 . 10/12/2015
Haha awesome story:3
Tinyterror chapter 4 . 6/21/2013
It's. Been. Two. Years. WHERE ISH LE SMUT?
Hopper chapter 4 . 3/3/2013
Nice story. There really isn't enough Cliffjumper/Mirage out there, and this fic here is a gem, really good quality. I particularly like your characterization of Mirage. His fascination with magic tricks is adorable. I dearly hope you intend to continue the story.
SeekerMoonblade chapter 4 . 9/16/2011
poke... poke... is this story still alive? if you can update it I would love you forever! I wanna see everyone's reactions to finding out about CJxRaj :)
kaiiju chapter 4 . 8/28/2011
...This is more addicting than crack, I swear. Much of it. Buckets and oodles and oodles.
Blip-chan chapter 4 . 6/25/2011
You, my darling, plot deliciously. And I totally giggled at the betting pool. And somehow, no one had even the slightest idea...X3

Until next time!

ThePeacefulKnight chapter 4 . 6/25/2011
this story is awesome! :D

please hurry up with another chapter :D
Alluise chapter 4 . 6/24/2011
Hoot, such a hot chapter (actually two chapters) I love you so much XD

And I love Mirage and Cliffjumper together! So little fics about them... Makes me sad...

Good job with writing them!
Darkeyes17 chapter 4 . 6/24/2011
*happy dance happy dance happy dance*

Woot! Another chapter. As always, a really great piece of writing, but I do have a few critiques:

- Ok, it might just be my reading preference, but in the beginning sex scene, there are too many "Cliffjumper or Cliffjumper's valve." It's because of the abruptness of the name, but it does seem a little awkward and unwieldy (at least to me it is).

But that's only a small thing, and I really liked it overall. (Especially the bets part. That made me lol)
Katea-Nui chapter 3 . 6/24/2011
hummm... I'm more for Cliffy being topper myself but this was really good! can't wait for that last one
IchigoNekoKun chapter 4 . 6/24/2011
Frag you, you slaggin tease! Ugh! How do you dothis to me? I can't wait for the next chapter. In the meantime I have chapters of Crack in the pavement to catch up on. Thanks! Sadly this has been the highlight of my week for sometime! (srsly it's all I think about. I'm considering making fan art. Once I get that slaggin chess board right...) btw is this G1 G1 Mirage and Jumper or IDW/Dreamwave G1 Mirage and Jumper because their are very small variations and I don't want to mess up. (Wth am I saying? I can barely draw animated much less G1. But I'll try for you.) Thank you!
sissimay chapter 3 . 6/20/2011
Oh Primus, WHY?

Why are you so cruel to stop there? Just when it was getting good?

Gah, the smut pleases me very much. Very beautiful imagery and it's nice to see Cliffjumper getting loving attention.

Don't think I can last until the next update!

Must read more!

(ooh, looks like Gears seems jealous of Cliffjumper's affections for Mirage. Wonder how that turns out?

Wouldn't Bumblebee be somewhat familiar with Mirage considering they're both spies?

And Hound and Windcharger are so adorable and chill respectively for their support of the two being together.)
Unbecoming Me chapter 3 . 6/17/2011
No! Why the cliff hanger? It getting to the good part too! I felt like crying right now but it okay I can wait until the next chapter come out. I can't wait for it at all! Great chapter and I love it.
Blip-chan chapter 3 . 6/17/2011
Well, you know how to drag things out...XD

And just for the record, this whole thing makes me squee.
Darkeyes17 chapter 3 . 6/17/2011

This was so sweet and then ended up just being so delectably naughty and nice.

*big grin on face right now* :D
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