Reviews for Hitches and Knots
Guest chapter 3 . 10/17/2016
Oh, and, guy's, not trans guys, do wear dresses.

And, some girls don't and never do or want to wear dresses, non trans girls, like Me.

So, again, fuck you.

And fuck you and your sexism.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/17/2016
People do not have to fucking forgive people for anything and everything, especially If the people not to forgive in question are two total shits like alois and claude.

And Grelle has no fucking right to try and force Ciel to reconcile with someone he does not want to, and her continuously trying to force him to make up with them. just because she thinks he should, makes Me hate her as much as them.

Oh, and, as an asexual/aromantic persen, look it up if you do not know that that is as I am sure you do not, I found Seb's and claude's whole conversation about romantic love being something that everyone does, or should, feel, and that sex is normal for everybody, and a must, and, again that everyone wants it or should want it or something is wrong with them, wholly offensive.

In ending, fuck you, fuck you, this is one of the wrost sebaciel fic's I have ever read.
please-delete-me-3276423 chapter 1 . 9/16/2015
Oh Grelle... *facepalms*
EmilyEdelstein chapter 4 . 7/26/2015
Absolutely wonderfully deliciously brilliant!
I love this story~ You wrote it amazingly~!
(And nice vocabulary, too~)
Monkey D Dragneel chapter 1 . 10/29/2014
Wow...just wow. You are such a talented writer. This whole Bicentennial series has left me stunned. The stories are so good especially this one! There is so much to say, the wit behind the jokes, the descriptions are vivid but not overly repetitive and you really make that characters stand out. I am just dead impressed. You do Kuro justice. Props to you! _ keep up the amazeballs writing XD
MissMileyRaion chapter 4 . 9/24/2014
That was the most wonderful wedding in the history of fake-fanfiction-weddings-where-demons-marry-bocchans-turned-demons! Yes, just yes! I am thoroughly in love with the Bicentennial universe! I think this one even tops the original Bicentennial for me, which I do love dearly.
I was cackling so hard in my room that I think my roommate was debating on whether to call the people-with-white-coats-that-make-you-hug-yourself or not. If only you knew, roommate, if only you knew...
BlackButlerFan13 chapter 4 . 3/9/2014
OMG! I love this story, it was so romantic! I loved how you used 'I'll Be Watching You by The Police', I know that it's not really appropriate song, but I like it and will be using it for my wedding. Of course, that won't be for a very long time. Whenever I hear that song, it makes my heart flutter and I kind of start tearing up a bit there. Excellent story, my dear. I wish you the best luck and hope for the best for you in the future.;)
Guest chapter 4 . 12/29/2013
That was beautiful
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
You know grell is a dude right?
Kiheada.Ray.T chapter 4 . 5/12/2013
I love this story. As I said, this is definitely head canon now. I was dying of laughter half the time, especially with the guests. I love how you did the wedding and the whole process. I loved the humor, nostalgia, and warmness throughout the whole story. I pretty much loved the whole thing. Yeah.
Kiheada.Ray.T chapter 3 . 5/9/2013
So my friend and I have accepted your Bicentennial series as head canon, and is now being called The Bicentennial Arc as a continuation of the anime's ending. I absolutely LOVE this story and kept myself awake to finish this chapter. I wish I could remember all he thoughts I had while reading this, but anyway, it's great. I love your creativity and originality in the way you string together the past and present, weaving canon and fan fiction together. I can honestly see this as a future part of the actual series. Anyway, I won't blather on. I look forward to reading more once I get some much needed rest!
Follykip chapter 4 . 2/24/2013
My goodness, Miss.
I remember once reading a fic of yours and falling in love with it- Can you imagine how pleased I was to find you and all your other masterpieces?! I have since spent the whole of my weekend reacquainting myself with this fabulous series, and let me tell you, I have shed a number of tears with each perusal of your fics!
I just adore your writing because of the way you can take these characters and place them in a new setting and add new characters in such a fluid, natural way that makes it easy to assume that they are all part of the original portray the individual personalities of each character so well; if the story ever turned out like this, I'm sure that your representation of their actions in this sort of scenario would prove accurate! Oh and your bouts of wit! How I love a writer who can so easily integrate humour into a piece without making it sound too personal- in your case it just adds to the charm.
Your use of emotive language is impeccable throughout- you really allowed me to share in feeling those emotions whilst reading.
All together, I am thoroughly impressed with this, and the remainder of the Bicentennial series. It has been an outright pleasure- thank you a thousand times over for sharing this with the world!
Regards from England!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/25/2012
I think Ill have Tim Minchin at my wedding too... His songs are so beautiful.
TheEndofTag chapter 4 . 10/15/2012
OMG! I just love it! Of course my favorite will just have to the rooftop scene. Soooooo romantic and damn beautiful!
Sebastian cutie chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
If I was Sebastian I would have shot grelle in the face for making the wedding about her. I really loved the fanfic please write more!
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