Reviews for Always, My love, Always
claritha chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
i love the way you writte!
i hope you keep on writting about these two!
Yeghishe chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
I've never read a fiction composed only of dialog but I was pleasantly surprised. Very nicely done.
Paper Poppet chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
So wonderfully wonderful! It was so utterly sweet and all seemed to be perfectly in character! Thanks for writing!
Adel Landman chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Three months married with no physical intimacy, or at least an attempt by Brandon to bring it up? Wow. The idea is certainly original and I enjoyed reading your story.

To my knowledge the word confinement was used to describe the later stages of pregnancy, where a woman kept away from society. Am I right in supposing then, that Elinor has been pregnant (and thus married) longer than Marianne? Because I would find it unlikely that she would not speak to her sister, especially if she were caught unawares on her own wedding night.
Isabela-Domi chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
I liked it! :)
josepharthur chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
Short and sweet, very in character, well written. Thank you for posting!
Dreamer1985 chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
I'm having a hard time picturing it being THIS stilted, though I do have to confess I heard of one couple (passed on by now I guarantee you) who didn't do anythign for TWO YEARS!
wins chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
I loved this. This is exactly how I envisioned them to be. Please continue this story. You have such a great foundation started. Please, Please continue...

TheImaginationAddict chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
It was sweet,..I guess this is how they would have behaved, being all shy and reserved about such've shown all the delicacy..nice :)