Reviews for Legacy
Munkeyfump20 chapter 1 . 1/1/2018
thanks for the read
Ebony10 chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
Whoa. That was wrenching.

"Because Teresa Lisbon died with her team and with Patrick Jane, that's what the smiling face above her bed means. She died two years ago and her ghost is walking around the CBI, pretending to be alive, pretending."

I love this part. Really intense.
watchyouwalk chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
Wow! This is just... I don't really know what to say. I absolutely loved it, and the entire concept is just marvelous.

I love the idea of "Red John" being more of a legacy of sorts rather than just a person or maybe a group of people. And that Jane would be the one to step into that role, not even by choice, but because he was driven to it. Madness. Genius!

And Lisbon... her characterization is so fitting, but heartbreaking. Almost going through the motions, but still with a little bit of fire. Damn.

I applaud your brilliance! Thank you for writing and sharing this!

- Autumn
tromana chapter 1 . 10/18/2011

Just... wow.

I love fics where Lisbon and Red John have a closer bond than is shown on the show. Especially those where she is the intended victim, rather than Jane. So, this is right up my alleyway, especially with the Red John concept being more a 'title', something that's earned by the 'victim' of Red John's torture becoming the new Red John is wonderful.

And of course Jane would not only break her, but save her from doing just that. He understands her and knows that she would never want it to come to this. He's also probably the only one who would be able to break the 'spell' of Red John, as portrayed in this.

I'll say it again: wow.
wildskysong chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
WOAH. I... did not see that coming. Very nicely done. :) I like the progression of Lisbon's madness and how it's Jane (it's always Jane) who did this to her, because only Jane /could,/ you know?

And there's something oddly alluring about Jane as Red John... Interesting.

Great job. :)

lysemma chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
I really really like your fic, it's very interesting and surprising. The idea of Jane being Red John or turning psycho after his demise had cross my mind before, but I didn't see that coming until the fourth part of your story. Great job !
jas chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
oh wow.

awesome fic, but i sincerely hope this never happens. It would be an awesome ending but I would be crushed.

embarrassed it took me to part 4 to realise that Jane was now John.