Reviews for Unchained Melody
dhqueg-gw chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
Great story!

I feel like this needs a companion piece.

even though you wrote it last year.
bishopboys-bluemonday chapter 1 . 10/18/2011
I love your "baby" story! It's wonderful, amazing, sweet. I love the end, and the last word! It's wonderful to read. I wrote a short story too but not about FRINGE. It's hard to explain it that brilliant like you did.

It's great when you have to survive a break without FRINGE (like me). I will read your other stories too. I hope you will continuing! :)
butterflies and mortals chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
I'm crying right now. That was beautiful.
jane.emma.jhan chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
I absolutely love this! I almost cried and that's saying a lot since I'm not someone whoe cries easily. Please continuethis is amazing! I suscribed to itso I really hope you continue. I love your writing style.
Mireya Cristina chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
What a wonderful story! You had me drawn into it from the very beginning. It doesn't say completed, so I'm hoping there will be more parts? I can't wait to read more. Congratulations and keep up the good work. ;)
Angie chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
It was amazing! I loved it. Thanks so much.
Elialys chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
Alright. So I read this story last night around 1:30am (best time to read fics if you ask me), from my ipod in my bed. I couldn't review then because for one thing, the keyboard really sucks on Ipods and I wanted to praise you to no end, and also, I spent basically ten minutes crying my heart out in my pillow when I was done reading. I'm not even exaggerating. You gave me SO many feelings within those 3,000 words, it was perfection.

I haven't read many post-3x22 stories, and I'm glad I waited for yours. It was so beautiful, it made my heart ache for them. Plus, your writing style is absolutely gorgeous, I found myself completely entranced.

"And each time when she awakes sobbing he can't stop himself from crying along with her."

There was no stopping my tears after this line. I basically cried throughout the rest of the story, and then as I said, cried some more. Oh and this morning too, I'm a nanny so I dropped the kid to school, and on the way back, one of my favorite song started playing on my ipod and I just pictured them sitting at the piano playing their song and Olivia trying so hard to remember him and I was just crying all over my steering wheel (yes, this pairing gives me a lot of feelings XD). I'm all mopey just writing this.

You can be proud of your baby. It's one gorgeous baby, and it totally inspires me to write. Thank you for filling my heart with so many emotions, you are awesome. And PLEASE write more!

SharonPL chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
This? This is perfection! You're extremely creative and very talented, and I can't thank you enough for giving me a pretty incredible feeling while reading.

Lovely job, really. You should write some more :)
angelamorales514 chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
This is great! Will you be continuing it? I'm so glad she remembered! Just in time! Well she doesn't seem to remember fully yet but at least she got his name!
CoffinWood chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
Very, very nice.
Amy chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
OH MY GOD! this is the most beautiful post-tdwd fic I've read until now! I cried like 4 times! Please consider continuing this fic! Please! Did Peter hear Olivia call his name or it was too late and le left her forever? This question is driving me insane!

This fic is a masterpiece and I'm so looking forward to reading more of your stuff!
AuthenticDivine chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
Loooooove it. You have a way with words. I have no idea how they'll deal with the whole topic of Peter's disappearance but your story is about as good as it gets. I hope something like this happens! And now, I'm off to go read more of your fics. It's too bad you don't have more P/O or Fringe fics :x
WalterWalternate chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
Really well done. You painted a perfect picture of the scene you were trying to convey. I really appreciate your writing style and the effort you must've put into this. Thanks for sharing it.
Starlight77 chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
Love Peter as this kind of Observer and the way you describe the sense of haunting and loss she feels especially in lines like: "She cries because no one has ever said her name like that."

Love the incorporation of the white tulips and the piano too! Lovely piece!
mleo chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
Mmmmmmm. so good. This is exactly what I need to read - bless you for providing it so skillfully.

"While it breaks his heart to stay, the thought of leaving never crosses Peter's mind because she is his Olivia and he will have her in any way that he can."

Love Peter's determination to be near her, but also his later decision to leave in order to protect her from hurt.(Although I think it is a little tiny bit excessive for him to say he will leave her alone completely if she doesn't get it right away - hope you don't mind my saying :))

Also really like his characterization of Olivia - "Agent Olivia Dunham is on the case..." and how you show her to be so stubborn and determined to figure things out.

And the callback from the show "And Agent Olivia Dunham does not fail" is just lovely.

I haven't done many reviews on here, though I read a lot, so I hope that I don't say anything to offend. Thank you so much for coming back from college and creating this - I really love how you write. The backstory that you've added with the piano is perfect, and the way you describe Peter as Olivia sees him is beautiful... there are so many things i love about this (Walter feeling something off as well is a moving detail) I could go on forever. So I'll stop here and just say please please please keep writing! You are fantastic :)
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