Reviews for Elders' Calm
The Committee x chapter 13 . 5/18
Adorable. You should do a sequel of this one day!
Lib McGranger chapter 13 . 2/6
I still wish you would write a sequel to this—even if it’s short! I’m glad you’ve gotten into writing again!
susanweese chapter 13 . 1/3
Omg this was such a great story! I hope there is a continuation, so emotional and perfect. I couldn’t put it down.
Lib McGranger chapter 13 . 10/11/2019
Wait, I desperately want a sequel to this!
Guest chapter 13 . 2/5/2019
Wait are they in a relationship? Or just friends? More more more
Jessica chapter 13 . 4/29/2016
Your writing is amazing. You stay true to the characters while putting them in novel situations. The ending of this was just perfect! I was panicking somewhere around the 11th chapter that this wouldn't get resolved in time and would end badly, but after having all your other docs I should have known better. I love that it ends on a sweet and suggestive but not smutty note.
Silvara rivana chapter 13 . 4/14/2015
weee! love your stories and love how that went. tho want more want to see her teaching and dealing with ron and such but still love the story.
YuSnotTo chapter 13 . 9/2/2013
What a wonderful ending...
I loved this story!
Guest chapter 13 . 8/5/2013
That was such a beautiful story. I could read another 50 chapters of it. Thank you so much!
Soulless Huntress chapter 13 . 6/19/2013
This has been a wonderful story. In a way I wish I had had someone like Minerva to talk to when my marriage ended. But I couldn't tak any more of the abuse to my daughter, and so I did what a mother has to do sometimes, end the situation. I hope if you have any more time someday, we find out how this would have ended. Take care and thank you for the story.
starie78 chapter 13 . 4/18/2013
Great story but I'd love a sequel.
Minerva's Rearguard chapter 13 . 2/23/2013
My! I've just read the whole story in one go. Girl, you are so talented! Please write a sequel, this lovely, heartwarming story and those two wonderful women deserve one! Thank you!
TJK78 chapter 13 . 2/16/2013
Loved this story. Wish you would continue this story.
hguy13 chapter 13 . 1/21/2013
loved it, but I would love to read Ron's mother and old transfiguration teacher rip him a new one. That would make an excellent epilogue.
dhisasian chapter 13 . 1/10/2013
Will there be a sequel to this or an epilogue? Like Ron's reaction when Hermione and Lillian are not at the flat, or if Hermione tells he she wants a divorce, or how Harry reacts to how Ron behaved.
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