Reviews for Envy
OzeraHarmonyLightwood chapter 1 . 9/22/2019
That was deep
Marissa Navarro chapter 1 . 2/16/2017
You should make one with jace and Alec staying iin the bathroom longer with jace telling Alec that he loves him and only him I love Matthew daddario he's so cute I aka big fan of Matthew daddario
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2016
I loved it so much like jalec so much could you do one we're jace tells Alec he loves him more than a brother than say he wants to be with and Alec tells him he loves him to do a story where they fall in love with each other
lulu422 chapter 1 . 6/22/2013
Anastasia205 chapter 1 . 4/25/2013
Well, apart from the fact that it was super hot you managed to portray them both in character. Your Jalec ff is truly the best! Really happy I found your profile here though it seems you haven't updated lately. Are you still into writing?
CauseItsVoodoo chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
You are an epic writer! :)
parabataimorelikeparagaytai chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Oh my god, that was so awesome. I've only read the City of Bones so I'm not that sure of what Alec's personality is like but I think you nailed them both - not literally, hahaha ;). I'm about to go to the library and get the second book but I'm too lazy to get up from the couch. And Soulful Tofu, as strange as it is, seems like quite an interesting band name. At least it's better than Carbon Neutral. Me and my friends have this inside joke that our friendship group will one day create a band called Carbon Neutral and we assigned each other roles like bassist and guitarist, etc. hahaha, it's so random but yeah. Okay, I'll stop ranting now XD

Great story 8D
Beautiful Feather chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
I was just looking through the fanfiction when I found this! I look forward to finding and reading more of your stories! You do an amazing job of keeping them in character!

TheGreenBook chapter 1 . 5/26/2011
YOU WRITE JALEC SO WONDERFULLY! sorry. I love Jalec. it's my guilty pleasure, lol. so taboo compared to Malec. This was great. I liked it, a lot. your descriptions were wonderful and I believe that everyone was in character. well done!
Bandgeek47 too lazy to long in chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
First: Soulful Tofu. lol

Second: Jealous Alec is cute

Third: Jace blowing Alec...*dead*

Fourth: Alec kissing Jace like that at the end is total hottness

Fifth: You're awesome
SecretScribe88 chapter 1 . 5/22/2011
Well I have to say that was really sexy! Jealous Alec is so cute, and I'm glad Jace made him see the error of his ways ;)

Again, you're a really good writer! It's always nice finding people on this website who have an actual grasp on proper spelling and grammar. Not to be mean, but there are so many stories on here that are just awful. I'm glad I found a gem like this one!
lovin this chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
now i want to suck dick
Vianne Nicole chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
*fans self* Wow that was really, really hot! This is probably one of my favorite Jalec stories now. I like how they are already pre-established because most of the stories on here are how they got together.

Please write more about this wonderful couple!
Jalec fan chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
SacredAlessa chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
0.O WOW! This is really, really great! I love this pairing so much and you write them so well!

And, as perverted as this sounds, I love the idea of Jace going down on Alec. You already read stories where it's the other way around!

Amazing! Thanks for writing this! (And thank you for reviewing my stories!)
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