Reviews for Dream Bigger
NoMan3 chapter 10 . 12/6/2012
I like your writing style. I am totally unfamiliar with Inception, so I can't say anything about that. Good job!

ChaosandMayhem chapter 3 . 11/8/2012
I like this chapter. It was...quiet, yeah, that's word I'm looking for, quiet. It's got a great "calm before the storm" feeling to it.
Hm, I sense a secret in Amor's past, honhonhonhon
Doing great so far! :)

Chaos :3
ChaosandMayhem chapter 2 . 10/3/2012
Interestinggg. M'looking forward to seeing the relationship between Amor and Apollo develop...or, well, since it's already developed...mature. Yeah, that's the word. Mature. :)
ChaosandMayhem chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
As someone who doesn't know a thing about Inception reading this, I can honestly say I'm quite intrigued thus far. Your OCs are nice so far, there's a unique plot going, and you've given the reader just enough information to sate them while dangling those little details just out of reach for us. :) Hmmm, yes, I approve.
I'll read and review the rest later, pinky promise!

Chaos :3
4everLostInThought chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
Ok first thing is I love how original all your characters are. They fit in perfectly with the whole inception theme, you know the way they all have secrets.

Second, I LOVE Arthur! And you portrayed his character in a way that was similar to movie.

Third, Eames just cracked me up :D
alreadylonggone chapter 1 . 12/24/2011
Ok, so first of all sorry I didn't review until now. I don't know why, but I just never thought to review this awesome story. But anyways, I am now, and I would like to say that I really like this story and all the OCs make sense as people and extractors. Plus their relationships with the Inception characters are perfect. So, yeah. This story is awesome! :)
Stuch chapter 8 . 9/16/2011
I started reading this story a month or so back and have a terrible habit of enjoying things and not reviewing them. Just glad to see this story back again.
lovemelikealovesong chapter 6 . 8/25/2011
Awwww! Such a good chapter! I loved it! I cant wait for the next chapter! I love both your OCs!(: update soon!(:
PockyWarriors chapter 2 . 8/25/2011

I am completely in love with the story...

it fascinates me, i don't know why it just does..D

please update again! And soon!

Miss you lots!

lovemelikealovesong chapter 5 . 8/22/2011
Ooo please continue! This is such a good story! Please update soon! I want to know what happens!
dreaming-of-tonight chapter 2 . 6/9/2011
Hey! I got your PM! This is a really great story, actually. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens!
AFreshlyPickedPlum chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
As I will yours, my dear Anisa. ;)

PockyWarriors chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
Hmm...very interesting. The title caught me immedietly, I do like the story. Already captivating.

(*_*)I shal patiently await your next update.
