Reviews for Conception
brendafay chapter 9 . 11/24/2015
guitarbabe2005 chapter 1 . 7/8/2008
good start
guitarbabe2005 chapter 9 . 7/8/2008
hey luv this is a really good story can ya please PLEASE finish duck
interested chapter 9 . 5/29/2006
years have gone by, yet no updates? whats up with that? (
Rosie chapter 8 . 3/18/2005
I really really really wish you would finish this story.
caribbean princess chapter 9 . 11/13/2004
Flaire Delacour with Faith chapter 9 . 11/12/2004
Loved the story...It was so addictive and it was hard not to love it...great series you did...will there another chapter soon? I'm so eager to see what will happen...please update soon if you are going to update...
Wolv chapter 1 . 7/17/2003
are u going 2 finish this? i hope so
Kiss2 chapter 9 . 1/17/2003
Hey, I luv this book? I don't think you could call it fanfiction... please up date soon! luv your writing.

bye bye Angel
kirashapedgirl chapter 9 . 1/9/2003
oh please update this, i love this series. do you post anywhere else? i just absolutly love your writing! please continue

Amore chapter 9 . 9/6/2002
yo. this story is really good but what makes me really mad is that you HAVEN'T UPDATED IN THE WHOLE SUMMER! you'r story is really good and i love it but you need to continue it because there are about a million people who want to read your new chapter but you haven't posted it yet. you REALLY need to. my friends and i are anxiously awaiting your next chapter (and a LOT more) so you better put one up soon, K? if i have time on a schoolnight to get on the computer to review a really good story, then you have time to update before halloween. PLEASE do!


Halcyon chapter 9 . 8/15/2002
Please continue! Please, pretty please! I'll give you a cookie:)
scarletrose3 chapter 8 . 6/10/2002
WOW! I reaaly glad you updated it, I've been missing your story, alot! I happy to here the great news, you're a wolderful writer and I hope that when your done with it you let us know. I know I would love to read it. It's nice that you have a supportive hubsand, sometime its nice when they get what you're doing. Please update this story soon, I can't wait.
pemberley chapter 8 . 6/7/2002
Wow! You wrote a book. I'd say that's a step up from fanfiction! You must be so proud. I think I speak for all of us when I say congratulations. Give us some details about it for sure. But, despite that, I have to say, I'm glad your back. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Settiai chapter 8 . 6/7/2002
Great chapter, as usual... *grin* So, what kind of book did you write?
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