Reviews for Winter
TheEndofTag chapter 1 . 5/30/2011
awwww, this is sooo sad and heartbreaking! T_T you really did a beautiful job on capturing the mood of this story. I love it!

and i wish i could see Shiki's ending too! Lucky you. *pout*

and of course, i love the ending. Depsite the story being sad and angsty, the ending was beautiful because it brings hope! I love it!

and you know, you could always write another oneshot about Siki waking up from his coma. That was would be soo awesome! _
zeroko chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
It is an amazing story, a special one, especially in English in this website. Unlike others based on plot, this one focuses on psychological activity. Maybe this style is more common in Chinese fics... I've never thought of that I can read such a fic in English.
Legal Assasin chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
Well done! This is one of the best TnC fanfics I've read in a long time.