Reviews for Revenge Gone Wrong
1Drummer chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
I found this a very enjoyable and entertaining piece of writing. The dialogue is just as would have been spoken by the characters on the screen. I visualized each character so very well, with the way that you have written this. You got me drifting back into The Sopranos series very easily, and although it has been some time since I watched The Sopranos, you put me right back there with your skilful writing. The Italian grammar was BANG ON! It's a great script and would have made a very good episode. Great stuff!
Dan Sickles chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
This was excellent! Everything was just like the show, even the way Sinatra's music is used so brilliantly.

You should really come and post more soon!
MessyLittleRaindrop chapter 1 . 5/13/2011
Heym, this is awesome you should keep going with it cant wait for more :) x