Reviews for Witches Rangers and the 141
Unknown12212225 chapter 28 . 4/6
Shame that Bucue is now MIA. You could have finished this story and set an example for future SW writers.
top gear tony chapter 28 . 3/28/2019
So I've been meaning to review this for a while now, this is my second reading of this as I read it a good few years ago and I still like it but there are some problems I noticed way more this time around

I'm reviewing the thing as a whole here. I really like this story, the appeal to crossovers is the inevitable culture clash and how everyone reacts to each other and seeing how it's pulled off and it's just fun to read. I'll go over that more in a bit

I'm gonna start with criticisms and follow up with what I liked most after

So the most noticeable gripe is the spelling errors, there's a lot of them and a lot of oddly structured sentences and lines that feel really weird to read at times. A lot of unnecessary emphasis on some things and at other times barely any at all. A big problem was when Barkhorn first killed someone and how quickly she seemed to get over it, it felt really weird. In fact a lot of things in this story seem to just get brushed aside awkwardly to continue the pace for fear that acknowledging them would change direction too drastically, I may come of overly critical in this review but I honestly do like this story, please keep that in mind

Anyway another gripe I found weird was how odd the Call of Duty characters acted. I really felt an opportunity for them to be more serious and playing off the more quirky nature of the Witches was lost here as they themselves act kind of goofy at time, being prone to anime like outbursts and melodrama I just wouldn't expect from these kinds of characters. The most egregious example of this were the Rangers but the task force operatives have their moments like this also

I want to get my biggest criticism out of the way here. The OC you introduce in chapter 20 or whatever. I don't want to come across as horrible here but nobody came to this story for an OC. They're fine if the reader goes into a story expecting one and usually the story is built around them or they're an unimportant side character like Laymen was which just provides extra context for things but plonking one down in the middle of your story and have them be a quite vocal part of it out of nowhere rubs me the wrong way. I and I'm sure others want to read about the characters they came here for and I know there are side characters but they are barely in it so it's not as big of a deal as this OC we're supposed to suddenly like. It was a really bad call IMO and honestly why I stopped reading a good few years ago and only just now finished. It's twofold problem however as, as your story goes on it jumps all over the place from character to character and I feel it's just highly unnecessary. You had it down pat up to chapter 19. Adding more onto the pile won't suddenly make things better. I feel you've been overthinking this too much. Keep it simple with the characters we all came here to see.

Some minor criticisms
I feel Ghost takes to Barkhorn too quickly at first, their bond is far more believable later on, it just feels a little rushed at the start.

I feel near the end there you started getting a wee bit too political for a fic about Witches crossing over with Call of Duty. We can all agree that hate groups suck but it comes out of left field and is just badly implemented

Now I kept reading because despite all that I like this story, it's stupid, it should work and it's goofy but it's good fun. The charm of crossovers is getting two things that shouldn't work and making them work

When it gets going it's great. The action parts were great, the stand outs being the COD guy's first engagement with the Neuroi, their second battle before Barkhorn ends up in Ghost's world and the Price fight were really cool. I struggle with action and fight set pieces in literature because it's just hard for someone like me who has limited capacity to invision things due to long term brain damage it makes it hard to follow certain motions and stuff in my head when so much is going on, I had little problem this time around and I thought that was really cool.

The part where they all finally met, although it took a long-ass time was cool, I would have liked the Rangers to have acted more reserved but otherwise it's the make or break scene of any crossover when the two world collide kinda deal and I'd have liked the Witches to interact with everyone more and get to know everyone more before shit hit the fan, but I guess it's fine.

You're dialog can be overly specific at times and I feel you trail on certain things too long but otherwise it's pretty good, the attention to detail in terms of military equipment and tactics and termanology is cool. Most would use generic terms like "German clothes" for Barkhorn's new equipment in chapter 17.

I honestly think after chapter 19 it should have ended and you started fic another taking off from MW3 or you should seriously consider redoing a lot of 20-28. My biggest criticism stems from your OC and the massive lack of focus the story suddenly seems to have which can't just be fixed like a spelling error and far be it for me to tell you how to write, I really can't to save my life but it's this story's biggest failing imo, that and it's starting to lose focus.

Sorry If I waffled on too long, I'm aware this hasn't been updated in a good few years and there's very little chance you'll see this and I really hope you don't think I'm being overly negative. Again I really enjoy this story and I hope in some part it continues. Thanks if you read my ramblings and feel free to reach out if you'd like me to clarify any statements I made that you might have disagreed with or want me to expand upon.
AbyssWalker Warren chapter 2 . 8/21/2018
I hear the Voices of all of them every time I read the dialogue. Good... good...
Deadlyninja564 chapter 1 . 4/21/2018
what will happen to mordern earth?!
Assistant Elite General Matteo chapter 28 . 11/14/2017
Might not read this again... Gave me traumas...
RN6Pro chapter 28 . 10/17/2017
Update soon please
Assistant Elite General Matteo chapter 25 . 9/17/2017
I'll be damned, this is one of the most perfect and wonderful fanfics around here that I've had read. Keep working on this lad! Don't stop!
delta2177 chapter 28 . 3/31/2017
As I have read all 28 chapters for the first time I must say as a writer... You have some skill and talent some scenes you can PM me questions on but this is overall a decent story.
Guest chapter 28 . 1/30/2017
Please update soon it is really good
NgoyaWhel chapter 28 . 6/3/2016
This is a wonderful story, I hope you will continue updating it!
ULTRAMARINE59 chapter 28 . 5/14/2016
Great story. Please update soon.
E2Fan32110 chapter 28 . 4/26/2016
You know those stories where you just think you are in them because they are so damn good? Well, this is such a story. And all I want to say is: please, please don't end it like this. This last chapter sent my pulse to top level for 30 minutes, and it's still going! Please, do continue writing. I love this story, and the fact that one of my favorite characters is in such a fucked up situation is sending my mind into an panic attack about what will happen (even though I think I know the outcome) to her. I hope you will read this, and I hope we will find out what will happen to her.

Sincerely, E2Fan32110
Dreadnought Spartan889 chapter 1 . 1/3/2016
When are you going to update?
Guest chapter 28 . 11/7/2015
hey keep it up man this is starting to get good now but the last scene i kinda dark but great job on this series!
Danger Close chapter 22 . 9/24/2015
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