Reviews for The Last Thing You Say
lotchness chapter 8 . 12/3/2010
First of...I don't watch Gilmore Girls. I just read this cuz of Jared Padalecki. But let me tell you, me not having any fore knowledge didn't diminish the effect at all. I didn't quite get the ending but that's ok cuz I like endings that leave me a little unresolved and vaguely unsettled. Your writing is very mature, I felt that it was kind of like those short stories...kind of like Dostoevski(I hope I got the spelling right ;D)

In short, I truly liked it a lot.(I would say 'loved it' but my heart belongs to Supernatural!)

Hellequin01 chapter 6 . 4/20/2010
Okay, I had te leave a review for this chapter.

Simply because it hit too close to home (you know, the part when she asks him to be her friend and he refuses) and I felt like such a bitch :x

This story is fantastic. Thank you so much for writing it.
x.lizzy.x chapter 5 . 10/24/2009
lol...I love the whole coffee thing with Luke...especially the 'nope, it's mine now' made me laugh :)

yay! tristan's back! :D

"Dean stole a cigarette from Tristan's pack"

wtf? lol

yay! he's slowly but surely moving on :)

*LOL! I totally typed that sentence right after the whole 'he passed by the bench, called that number Amanda gave him and took that job' part...and then a couple paragraphs later it says 'he had moved on' LOL! that's so funny! lol

I love the phone call to Jess :) Go Dean! lol

wow...this chapter was so long...I liked it! :D

great job! :)
x.lizzy.x chapter 4 . 10/24/2009
"Clearly, if men could walk on the Moon, Dean could like someone other than Rory."

lol...I love that line! it's great!

wow...I like the big 'because' paragraph...very nice! :)

LOL! I love that Dean ended up over at the Gilmore house with Lorelai and Lane of all

I actually got quite confused and wondered if this was a flashback of some sort..but I guess not! Lol

"She's getting some hot monkey sex with Jackson right about now."

*lmao while cringing at the mental images that flood the mind* LOL

LOL! I love the "where did you hear-" and then a glare toward Lane...LOL cracked me up!

*facepalm* oh dear goodness! Rory and Jess came back! I shoulda seen that one

"It's been proven Gilmore girls could do obviously worse in so many ways!"


aww! I'm really glad to see things lookin (somewhat) up for Dean :)

good job on the chapter! I loved it! :)
x.lizzy.x chapter 3 . 10/23/2009
"then Dean would be off to his own, peaceful night of exorcising his own demons."

YES! Supernatural reference! ...or at least, in my mind it

LOL! I love the "multiple choice answer" things Dean gives's so funny! Lol

I really liked the whole scene with Tristan and Dean...that was cool...I wish they coulda had a scene like that in the show, woulda been neat :)

aw...*sniffles* poor Dean...

good job! :) I'm likin this :D
x.lizzy.x chapter 1 . 10/23/2009
aw! *sniffles* this is so sad :(

I hope things start lookin up for poor Dean and Rory :(

anyhoo..good job! :)
Potterworm chapter 9 . 6/7/2009
I hated Dean before this story, but I don't anymore. That says a lot for how good this story is. In particular, I was also fond of Tristan's tale.
Lolajay chapter 9 . 10/27/2008
So normally Im a bit shy about the whole review thing, but I just wanted to express the amount of love I have for this fic.I just now discovered it, so Im a little late to the party. I read it in one go, and couldnt stop after the first chapter. I really really love your characterization of Dean,its just so layered and...perfect. The journey he takes was really awesome to see, how he works through everything and eventually finds his way back to where and who he wants to be. You one talented writer,seriously. Anywho, thanks for this.
DeanRory4Eva chapter 9 . 7/31/2008
This is the absolute best Rory and Dean or rather Dean-centric fic i have ever read and to think that this was written so long ago yet still transcends time to fill the void that was left by the mistakes made in the saga that played out on-screen.

This has given the Rory and Dean fans the true ending we craved, the only flaw with you masterpiece is it ended. All i can hope for is a sequel in the near future because i believe in your conviction as a writer, you perhaps understand the characters better than ASP.

Your insight into Dean's world was what the writers of the show failed to provide. His interactions with the other characters added depth to his role and i was fond of his friendship with Lorelai. Personally, i felt the writers neglected him after Jess's arrival and never gave him the importance he deserved because as your beautiful narrative has shown, there was so much more to Dean than just his possesive, jealous wrath.

Rory was blind to give up this perfect man. C'mon he built her a car from scratch (blue to match her eyes) and she shared her first experiences of many things with him, it just feels right that they be together for good. She should have fought for him, proved she loved him back. Even in their final farewell he had half pleaded for her to tell him he belonged!

Honestly, i hardly ever review but your script compelled me to do so. You are a genius as this story moved me in so many ways, i'm in awe of your talent. I wish i could write half as good as you. If there is ever a GG movie, they should take inspiration from your work.
Anon chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
Hi, no doubt this has been said to you before but you are such an eloquent writer, i was completely engrossed in your tale that i wished it never ended. You have a charming narrative style that penned the psyche of Dean Forester down to perfection. It is rare to find a Rory/Dean fanfic that actually shows Dean in all his glory; truly exploring all facets of his beautiful personality, because he was and always will be the one for Rory Gilmore, even if she was too foolish to realize it. It irks me that his character was assassinated for the sake of the overrated Jess/Rory pairing as well as his eventual final exit per Jared's career move. I cannot help but wonder that if they had stayed true to his character, keeping his integrity and self-respect intact than Dean would have become the only love for Rory because he was perfect for her and they deserved their happy ending. Thus, as someone who fell in love with R/D all over again courtesy of your tale, i'd like you thank you for unleashing your amazing imagination with this adoreable couple in mind.
smallvillegirl1 chapter 9 . 6/18/2008
Wow, I can't believe I'm just finding this story now. I loved it from beginning to end! I always felt that Dean had his own story as well, so this was a very good read, for Dean and Dean/Rory, I'm going to favorite it.
Robyn chapter 9 . 10/31/2007
I don't know whether I've reviewed this story before (this certainly isn't the first time I've read it, that's for sure), but just in case I'm reviewing now. This was simply fabulous. Great voice, believable emotion, superb writing. Loved every word of it.
redbanker chapter 9 . 3/21/2007
I am appalled I have never reviewed this story. Can I tell you how much this story moves me. I re-read it at least once a month.

I always loved the Dean character. Jared played him with such intense devotion and I was always furious at how Rory never realized how lucky she was. That she was never grateful for the constant gift he gave her every day.

I hated, hated, hated how the Jess situation played out. I hated that they got together the next day. It was insulting and awful. I've always felt the writers did Dean a huge disservice in the second season. They stopped writing for him. They made him look mediocre and less intelligent. Which made no sense to me since HELLO the guy can build a car from scratch. That takes massive knowledge of engineering and physics. I don't know if it was because Alexis and Milo were dating but I've always wanted a different ending to the Rory/Dean saga.

What I'm trying to say through my rant is that your story is that ending. Your story fixes everything the show messed up. Your story is what all Rory/Dean fans were waiting for and desperately wanted. You've crafted a story so brilliantly and moving it is one of my favorite stories every. You captured the essence of the Dean character with all of his best and worst qualities and put them on paper.

The scene with Lane, Lorelei and Dean is one that stays with me for days no matter how often I've read it before. In the hospital when he brings Lorelei an azalea I find my heart aches each time I read it. You are truly a master and I can only hope some day you will write either a sequel or another Rory/Dean story.

The relationship you built between Dean and Tristan was perfect. I want to know what Rory thought when Tristan showed up for his convertible. I want to know what happened when Rory went to Yale. I want your version for the future of the show rather then what's on TV. I will keep hoping inspiration will strike and another Gilmore Girl story will emerge.

Have a nice week.

citiesofsouls chapter 1 . 11/27/2006
Even though you finished this like 3 years ago, haha. This has got to be the most wonderful fanfiction I have ever read in my life.

I love Dean & you portrayed him in this story so well.
rebeldivaluv chapter 9 . 10/6/2006
So I've been feeling Gilmore nostalgic lately, what with rewatching my season one DVDs, and I decided to revisit one of the few pieces of fanfic that ever did my favorite couple - and one of my favorite characters - justice. And, after staying up until the early hours of morning reading all of this again, I am even more appalled at the thought that I never replied to this before.

I can never read it without crying, and I am *not* an overly emotional person. But your Dean is just so heartbreakingly real, in his belief in his own inadequacy, in the mess that Rory's callousness made of him, that I just want to hold him forever (much like how I felt about him on the show a lot of the time). You wrote the Dean/Rory/Jess story the way I *wished* it had played out on the show. Not only, or even primarily, really, because Dean got the girl, but because Rory finally understood Dean's value, understood that the dangerous guy isn't necessarily the most complex, or the best, or the one to run after. That's a lesson I still don't think she's learned on the show (nor probably ever will), and that's a pity.

I love what Lorelai and Lane add to this story so much. I wish we had been given scenes like your Lorelai-Dean-Lane movie night on the show. Because having all three of my fave characters in one room? Made of win.

I love that you can write a story that is at once so much darker and more existential than GG ever does, and yet remains true to the character's manners and methods of speech. That you took their pop culture references, and classic lit references, and just lit theory and made this whole hodge-podge of mess that in the end all makes sense.

I love Rory's present tense. I love PJ Harvey. And I most definitely and completely love this story, and by extention, you for writing it. Thank you!
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