Reviews for Lipstick
LunaStorm chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
Ha ha ha! Well thought up, and well executer, Peter!

A really funny idea and the story has a nice, light pace (though I think it would have been best to leave the last sentence out and just stop at Edmund's indignant cry).

Nice one!
Dancing Through The Afterlife chapter 1 . 6/9/2011
I like this story! Very good! Thank you!~Princess... xxxx
Adaleya chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
A good story to start off my day! Wonderful job! :)
probieprincess chapter 1 . 5/6/2011
thanx 4 making the first CoN fic I read memorable lol:)
The.Taller.Child chapter 1 . 5/4/2011
I can just imagine how long it took Edmund to get that lipstick off.

I mean I know how hard it is to take it off when it's just on your lips,especially when it's red, but to have to get it off your face as well...

I can only assume Edmund will want revenge. D

FelipeMarcusThomas chapter 1 . 5/4/2011
I love it. I absolutely love it. And yes, I have seen the Andy Griffith show. In fact, I almost grew up on it (which should give you a hint as to how old I am).

I can imagine Edmund would want to to get even with his brother. Of course, Peter would insist that he was getting even with Edmund for a prank the Just King had pulled on him. But, whether or not that is the case, I can imagine Edmund not letting this go unanswered. If he does retaliate, so, I hope it's at least as embarrassing.

By the way, if you're still looking for suggestions for your "Quotes" series, how about: "Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak." It would be a perfect fit for any of Their Majesties' would-be suitors.