Reviews for The Sickness of Yuki Nagato
flairina chapter 8 . 3/2/2014
Well, that was utterly ridiculous. but still highly enjoyable. I feel bad for Koizumi really, often smug though he may be. Haruhi AND Yuki out to get him... ah well, can't end perfect for everyone. Thank you for sharing this rather "unique" take on things.
flairina chapter 4 . 3/2/2014
The first part was hilarious, and now... well, I'm guessing this is where the "crack" comes in. This is gonna be good, I can tell. :D
flairina chapter 2 . 3/2/2014
Okay, I am aware what that description says but this is perhaps the best Nagato POV fanfic I've ever seen so far if not just because of the narrative style. Also, the fact that you included the Nyoron Tsuruya universe as a dream was utterly hilarious. Hoping the rest of this is just as good.
DschingisKhan chapter 8 . 9/3/2013
Yuki has the best worst sense of humour. Also, congratulations on your stable time loop?
halfeatenmoon chapter 1 . 3/20/2012
I just read this from start to finish and I think it may be my favourite yuri fic for this fandom, ever. Your first-person Yuki voice is brilliant, and at times it's so fantastically dry. Yuki's pranks were hilarious, as was the moment when Haruhi put her in the bunny costume and told her to run. The Haruhi/Yuki relationship isn't one I usually see a lot of potential in but you sold it so well here; every step of it seemed so natural. Just excellent. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Mader Levap chapter 8 . 7/2/2011
I must say it is not bad. It is even funny.
chaosrin chapter 8 . 5/14/2011
Cute i like the pairing!
Durandall chapter 6 . 5/9/2011 I tried to give it more of a shot, but it's actually swerved from my expectations. I was thinking it would be innocuous romance between Haruhi and Yuki, but no, it's really all about Haruhi being immature and unkind to Kyon. With the added bonus that Yuki occasionally does the same.

Don't we have enough of that in this fandom? I never did understand the appeal...

I can only assume you are writing something brilliant, and I'm just incapable of appreciating it. People wouldn't continue to write about this dynamic if it didn't appeal (I would expect). I just can't get it myself. :(

Well, best of luck to you in any case.
Durandall chapter 4 . 5/9/2011
I know you said it was crack, and I was prepared to be amused.

Unfortunately, I happen to be a fan of Kyon, so my interest waned when he was reduced to a joke-character, and was killed utterly when Haruhi abruptly decided (based on a prank) that the other characters don't matter, the Yuki/Haruhi ship must sail. Not going to say your favorite matchup can't happen, but this just feels inadequately explored to me - or just not abrupt and cracky _enough_, if you go the other way.

Anyway. You use single quotes instead of double-quotes, but otherwise the grammar seems solid. I guess you know what you want to write, so best of luck to you. I just wanted to like this more...
superstarultra chapter 3 . 5/5/2011
I can see why this was your favorite chapter. I loved it, too.

God. Itsuki's scene. Holy mother of god. That was so evil. Itsuki throwing that tirade was brilliant. I lost it when she said it was all "Existential trolling". XDDDDD

Compared to Itsuki's scene, the part where Yuki tried to screw around with Mikuru just didn't seem as funny. Probably because I can see this actually happening without Yuki needing to act more human. But that's just me. I still liked the chapter though.

I promise to review a lot sooner. You update much quicker than anyone else on here. I like that.
Lyaksandra chapter 5 . 5/5/2011
Well, if Asakura should remain a villain, I'm glad you offed her the way you did. Awesome.

I loved it but... Yes this time there's a but, heh. Haruhi doesn't feel quite shocked about what happened. I don't mean the appearance of "aliens", she might accept that a bit readily, if anything maybe you don't show her displaying enough excitement. Thing is, she should be a bit shocked at the fact that they were almost knifed, or at least Yuki was.

Anyway, waiting for the next one, since you left us in another cliffie, thank you very much, you monster.
Lyaksandra chapter 4 . 5/4/2011
A cliffhanger, really?

Well look over here, this is me pouting and refraining from giving any praise to this chapter in which character development is well done, and strangely enough though you said OOC, this Yuki remains very faithful to what one would expect form her.

Wait a minute, did I just...

*Heavy sigh*
superstarultra chapter 2 . 5/4/2011
Completely unexpected Churuya reference at the start FTW. Seeing even Yuki disturbed by them was also hilarious.

You're really good at combining humor and seriousness into the same story. You ought to be proud of yourself for something so great. I'd kill for your skills at writing techno-babble, too.

My favorite part in the middle:

The loss of control escalates. I make a noise best rendered in the written form as 'kekekekekekekekekeke'. So this is laughter. I see. I shall have to develop a more pleasant-sounding laugh.

Yuki doing that kind of laugh will forever haunt my nightmares now.

Man, I actually bought it for a split-second when Yuki started to tell Kyon she was changing the world again. So, so mean. But I still laughed. And the name of the next chapter had me laugh even harder.
kittle-uk chapter 3 . 5/4/2011
I loved this. I can't wait for more. How is it everyone I know writes so much better than I do? (This is Emma you met at MCM Telford btw)
superstarultra chapter 1 . 5/3/2011
The title and summary of your story swooped me off my feet. I was hoping someone would try and create a fic with this premise one day. And yours is damn good.

Yuki and the IDTE were pretty in character in their techno chat. Well, Yuki for now. I cannot wait to see how much she will change.

Congrats on covering uncharted territory with your promising fanfic, miss. :)
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