Reviews for The Marauders Year 2
charlotte chapter 21 . 7/11
I wonder what will happen to Lola and remus
XD chapter 9 . 6/18
Well your mother was just sad because she realized your brother was all grown up, and she was happy because her son was getting married. XD

...why do I even know this...?
Gerbillord chapter 4 . 5/14
And they didn't ask about the fact that Remus had seen death? Huh.
Katie Gardiner chapter 5 . 5/8
Great job! I really enjoyed it. Please keep writing, you're the best author on ! :D
hp fan chapter 23 . 4/28
you're pretty good at writing quidditch
hp fan chapter 7 . 4/19
that was so good, i was crying. you definitely did it justice, and thank you for writing this
Anonymous chapter 25 . 3/31
What is the sequel called? I’m sorry if you told us and I forgot. Could you please respond to this post ASAP?
Anonymous chapter 19 . 3/30
The fight was good but it was a lot like what happened in the books when Harry goes into Snape’s memories and sees the Marauders bullying him.
Anonymous chapter 15 . 3/29
Loved it and loved the birthday song. That song cracked me up soo much! But I kinda wish that Remus had answered Sirius’s question in the tunnel right away.
Anonymous chapter 14 . 3/29
Loved it but I kinda wish thatRemus wasn’t hurt.
Anonymous chapter 8 . 3/28
I loveeeee all your chapters, but I’ve only read up to chapter 8( this one) and I hope that Remus starts to like the code name Furry Little Problem. But I Love your stories!️️
Guest chapter 25 . 1/5
What's the sequel called?
Nerd chapter 20 . 4/26/2019
love the princess bride referance
Elvenqueen-at-Hogwarts chapter 1 . 12/4/2018
Lol, Chris sounds like Moody when he mentions "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" XD

Plus, this story is amazing. Are you gonna do all 7 years. Please do. I wouldn't be able to survive without your amazing stories.

Moony chapter 15 . 8/3/2018

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