Reviews for At the Violet Hour
komodogrey chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
Please do enlighten me, how the hell do you write with such eloquent ruse? Your writing is incredible, just glides through so smoothly, each sentence as detailed as the first. I honestly haven't come to such a professionally well written mass effect fanfiction and it's sad to see there are so few. Thank you for uploading this. I really did like your first one "For such loss, abundant recompense."
oi770 chapter 18 . 3/8/2018
OH! Wonderful story! I would really like to
AprDon chapter 12 . 3/8/2018
Beautiful chapter! Lovely!
Guest chapter 11 . 3/7/2018
Wonderful chapter! Really funny!
oi770 chapter 5 . 3/5/2018
Wonderful chapter!
AprDon chapter 18 . 7/16/2017
Just...WONDERFUL! Lovely!
ExoticDarkOne chapter 18 . 4/8/2017
Be still my heart. Literally, my heart is pounding. This is magnificent. Can't wait for the next story you come out with. Hugs and kisses!
ExoticDarkOne chapter 15 . 4/7/2017
This was great. Loving Thane's and Kasumi's friendship. The flirting at the end was icing on the cake. Sorry it's been a few days since I've read your story. Between having stuff going on and how ridiculous these two are - subsequently sending me into embarrassed fits on their behalf every few lines - the last chapter kind of crawled for me. But I'm back and loving it! Hugs and kisses!
ExoticDarkOne chapter 7 . 3/30/2017
This is beautiful. This is my favorite chapter by far. I'm also in love with how you wrote this story versus the previous one. It rarely covers content that has already been gone over in Shepard's story. Beautiful, all of it. Hugs and kisses!
Meesa Meesa chapter 11 . 1/9/2017
"He would, always, until the end, count her as the most amiable woman of his acquaintance" I see what you did there! P&P is one of my favorite books ever, it makes me so happy to see this sly little reference!
Meesa Meesa chapter 10 . 1/9/2017
So I would've commented on the first fic too but you HAD to go and let slip that there was a companion piece at the end of the last chapter, didn't you? So I rushed over here to keep reading because the first was so well-written and incredibly hot and emotionally real. This one's just the same! I'm taking time to comment here now because I'm currently paused, writhing in embarrassment for Thane right now. You can tell he's a desert-loving alien because he is knee-deep in de-Nile. I can read my favorite lines right now from where I'm typing in the comment box: "It was a silly anxiety to have. It would be no great matter if she refused him... It would be the same if she told him such. It certainly didn't feel the same, though. Ah, but it was just because their friendship was so new." *snorting with laughter* yeah, FRIENDSHIP, Krios, that's what's up. I'll end the comment now (because I must keep reading) with a thanks for writing this. I love love LOVE your writing, it's detailed and clear and really beautiful, and I'm absolutely shipping these two more than I've ever shipped them before (I'm a Shakarian girl at heart). The slow burn has literally caught me on fire, and the growth from a convenient contract to friendship to love is so beautiful, especially the disconnect in their feelings for each other with Shepard's emotional turmoil and Thane's steady acceptance. I really enjoyed that part, and watching them work around and through it. Thank you so much for writing, I was having a rough night and this work of art really turned it around!
Jeddersopolis chapter 18 . 1/3/2017
I can't put into words how much I love your two mass effect storues. I just finished this one for the first time so the last chapter still has me in a daze. I'll review again once I'm more coherent.
Kallie6891 chapter 18 . 12/17/2015
Kallie6891 chapter 17 . 12/17/2015
I'm freaking out.
Kallie6891 chapter 16 . 12/17/2015
Beautiful. I loved the emotions when Samara told Thane that it was her daughter. You executed his reaction perfectly. I loved the prayer for Shepard as well... It was very Lord of the Rings. Great Chapter.
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