Reviews for Rocky Road
PrettyQueerDear chapter 2 . 8/16/2013
This is so adorable and I just want to hug Hanna for being so damn cute! Also Hanna's dad made me crack up! I hope you update soon! (i see its been a while) :3peace!
HotChocolate in Summer chapter 2 . 12/6/2012
This story is just...ugh. Fabulous. I love it. Hanna is just awesome and {...} is like, perfect.
gbye chapter 2 . 8/8/2012
Serendipital chapter 2 . 3/16/2012
This is just so incredibly adorable. I really wish you'd continue it! It's so well-written and. So. Cute!

Well, maybe a fav will get you updating...? Good luck on the next chapter!
JayJay133 chapter 2 . 2/5/2012
Interesting! I'd like to see where this is going!
The Comment chapter 1 . 11/21/2011
Funnily enough, there's an ice cream place across from where I get my hair cut. COINCIDENCE?

PersephoneQ chapter 2 . 9/4/2011
Omg, that was both cute and hilarious :) You are very talented! Keep up the good work!
Inumaru12 chapter 2 . 7/7/2011
squee!~ This is so cute so far! :D I'd love to read more~! :D

Desdemona Kakalose chapter 2 . 6/30/2011
...And then I read this.

And Hanna's father made me laugh like I'm not even kidding you.
The Spirits Sweater chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
This is just so adorable.

This is just so sweet.

It could kill a diabetic.

Great Job. I really liked it. I liked it a lot.


-Spirit's Sweater
btch chapter 2 . 5/20/2011
Have Hanna drag in Worth. Who drags in lamont. who teases Conrad who happened to be there with his mother! And the conworth. there must be conworth.

And have Hanna be even more adorable.
btch chapter 1 . 5/20/2011

so cute!
fullmoons-wings chapter 2 . 5/15/2011
Absolutely adorable, ugh Alois...that kid ruins everything. Feel bad for him but seriously Demon Ciel? Poor Sebastian looked so sad to be stuck with Ciel forever, and that breaks a fangirl's heart, if anything he should be delighted. Off topic, anyway I like how you portrayed Hanna's father, he definitely acts like Hanna and is just as silly. I'm excited to see Hanna and Darell (haha) interact again. Keep up the good work.

Foolishcoyote chapter 2 . 5/13/2011
oh dear...

I haven't seen you post a non-angst story since...

well ever, really. I keep expecting someone to die suddenly in some horrible way.

This is adorable, though! can't wait for the next chapter (but no spoilers! xp)
Maranni123 chapter 2 . 5/13/2011
:D I like Hanna's dad. He seems super cool. Kind of... hyper? Random? :) But that's where Hanna probably gets it from so, like father like son I assume. :)

Wonderful work my friend and yes, we like this! It's adorable! So please keep up the good work? :) I'll give you a Hanna cookie! :D 10/10!
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