Reviews for Talbain, Jonathan Talbain 'A Talbain Tail'
a fan of many chapter 14 . 5/31/2014
Reminds me of the Percy Jackson books with bad ass monster heroes and unarmed combat fights
Guest chapter 16 . 12/24/2013
That was a great story
XenaTheAlienChick chapter 14 . 6/14/2012
lol nice chapter/epilouge
XenaTheAlienChick chapter 7 . 6/14/2012
lol our funny lilly XD
XenaTheAlienChick chapter 3 . 6/14/2012
*rolls on the floor and laughs* really johnathan XD man this is a funny chapter
Kaymin Wolf chapter 16 . 10/7/2011
Best Darkstalkers story that I've read in a while! Dude me and you need to talk!1 Your stories are amazing!
Insane One chapter 16 . 9/8/2011
Videogame and etc. Fan chapter 16 . 9/3/2011
Man that was such a good stroy! I freaking loved it! Who cares if it ended like Her Name Is Blue its still a good ending. And who cares if the chapter was long, it was still as you said enjoyable. Its great reading your storys. I certainly can't come up with anything like you but I'll try but I might have since i have 100 or 200 sheets of ideas front and back. You should keep making storys. Ummm do you mind if I copy the storys so that I dont have to log on every time I want to read your storys? I actually read the FanFiction rules thats why. Ummm I forgot what else I was going to type. :) You gave me ideas but as mostly I forgot... :( Oh yeah, check your puncuation, also spelling. I had to guess some parts when I was reading. Keep in touch.
thatguy446944 chapter 15 . 7/22/2011
This was great and I would love to see more.
Videogame and etc. Fan chapter 15 . 7/21/2011
That was cool and epic but you forgot that Christine also saw Lilian transform also. You only put that Jonathan transformed. That was good how you layed a bomb on Jonathan. Keep me in touch please.
Insane One chapter 14 . 6/27/2011
wow... After THAT speech, you're still wondering if write or not the two chapters? It's a little (BIG) stupid thing for you to reject a request like that videogame fan... Ah well... Wake me up when the chapters have been posted... My planet needz me (going to sleep lol)
Videogame and etc. Fan chapter 14 . 6/26/2011
Your story was epic. I really liked it (that's what she said). u should continue with this because what you have here is a whole new world and I've got one too. now i want you to make your world to continue to grow. Don't be like me who only writes done ideas and never finishes them only to later come by them and fancaintly remember what they were about again only to have them improvised. I gotten lazy due to reasons but I'll finish it. now enough of that because that's not what's this about. I want to find out how many children Chrisitine (sorry if I spelled the name wrong) and Jonathan will have and if Lilian and The Mexican (pretty clever to do such a riskey joke), Jeff, will have anny children since they're getting to it. It's great how you've shown how Felicia changed Jon. Also uhhhh I to me a lot with my ideas all bundled up. ... Oh yeah, like I was saying, you have a beautiful world here waiting to grow and you're the only one by God's will who can allow that. I hope you continue.
Insane One chapter 14 . 6/22/2011
... I don't understand why it's called "epilogue" if you are planning two more xDD... Sorry about... You know... Not reading in years, but... teacher and homework and stuff. Maybe one day I should register on this and write something on my own... Well... Congrats, this one was really good, I like that stuff of not killing the good guy at the end :p
Insane One chapter 12 . 6/4/2011
In the previous review, when it says (yes, ?) this thing didn't want to put the original message, it was: (yes, my smile right now is like a circle around my face so what?) but without the spaces between words. With that clear, there is one more thing before I go:

Well done
Insane One chapter 10 . 5/26/2011
Dam... Two new chapters released, and me, happily training. I approved the kenjutsu exam, so I am happy. Two new chapters, so I am even more happy (yes, ?) well, it's going fine, but you put jon and felicia, so I'll say one thing PERFECT for their situation: FINAL FANTASY QUEST! (objectives:

rescue samantha, christine and the others. Rewards:

Jon:3000 xp, lots of cute kitty acts.

Felicia:2500 xp(level up!), Jon)

Update soon! May Chuck Norris give you strenght
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