Reviews for Ruin chapter 8 . 2/15/2014
Amazing story! I do think that you did a great job describing Draco and his complicated personality. I simply hate those stories where he (or generally any character) is just black or white, unambiguous, in this story the characters are PERFECT, so real. And it fit so greatly to the book, it's a pleasant change after all completely improbable ffs (I mean I don't mind plot changes, but I'm fed up with characters who share only the name with theirs J.K. prototypes). Besides you surprised me with everything that happened in the last chapters and definitely with the end. I was waiting till the last line for sth like "and then Draco kissed her and decided to change his life. And to kill Voldemort". Which I didn't find and THANK YOU for that. The ending is just impeccable, but actually so the whole story is;) and sorry for any possible mistakes (English isn't my first language, so...)
Keep writing!
Yuki Suou chapter 8 . 7/22/2013
This was a beautiful story and REALISTIC. Being Draco fan, i totally understand what you're trying to say. In muggle world, it's kinda associating with terrorist, isn't it?
BlackParade chapter 8 . 12/14/2011
So I'm very pleased with this story. It doesn't have a happy ending, and I'm glad it didn't. It wouldn't have fit. The subject of rape is very touchy, but I think you dealt with it maturely and realistically. There is no thought of a 'rape fantasy' in which both parties enjoy it, because then it wouldn't be rape. On the other hand, the reactions from both Draco and Abby are understandable in this situated. Neither wanted it, but they had to do it. I think you were able to capture the darkness and cruelty of the act with one sentence, "This was something far beyond Dark magic," and in a way, it is. Wow, this has gotten to be a TL;DR review, but I had a lot to say. Keep on writing!
Toasty Monroe chapter 8 . 8/8/2011
I just realised, I read this a while ago and was under the illusion that I had reviewed... I'm one of those 1,000 people who read this wonderful story and never left my appreciation! I'm sorry for not doing so, it's very out of character behaviour for me.

Anyway, onto the reviewing! In my opinion, I prefer one-shot (or in this case short) Draco Malfoy pieces, I don't like unrealistic stories featuring Mary-Sues that go on for fifty chapters and end with, as you plainly put in your Authors note, a "happily ever after". So, your little piece was perfect for me. It ended where it needed to, it made sense and it wasn't unrealistic at all.

I was very, very pleased with the ending. What I mean by that is that your rape scene wasn't perverse, nor was it offensive. I have unfortunately read some disgusting things on this website, and some highly offensive scenes where the victim begins to enjoy the rape and the two characters will fall in love.

I'm glad that you write fanfiction for your own pleasure, and that you don't complain about the popularity of your stories. I think this website needs more authors like you, who don't feign their writing to get a large amount of positive reviews.

Here's my sincere congratulations on writing such an enthralling read!

~Toasty x
Starsprung chapter 8 . 7/15/2011
Lovely story!

Oh, I love this form of Draco and sincerely, I am super happy the way it ended.

I mean, I just got here and saw the rating and 'explict' and only 8 chapters and I'm like "Oh no. Not another one of those love at first sight tales". For a bit, I thought it was and then I got to the last few chapter and I found myself feeling bad for Draco and Abby alike during that last moment. *Also, kudos for using an ACTUAL girl's name.*

Anyway, I really really wish there was more and hope you have the best of luck continuing to write and I hope I can write in the poetic notion you do.

*P.S: Could there by any chance be a sequel? PLEASE?*
Squid Lee Smith chapter 8 . 6/10/2011
I love the fact it was so realistic. Most Draco stories end with a happily ever after. I also love that you gave it a gloomy kinda doomed from the start feel. Very well done!
PCD-TDI-A-M.BABYSENA chapter 8 . 6/5/2011
Oh my god...That was the second best fanfic I have ever read, best Harry Potter though. I love Draco Malfoy and this is exactly how I would want a fanfic of him to be. I wish this could go on longer. Can you please make a sequal. This was amazing, I loved how the whole thing played out and I was able to imagine it. It's just beautiful, and I loved it. I almost cried, it's amazing, I can't even explain it enough with my words. Chapter 7 and 8 played out very well, I loved the Draco character in this, please write more stuff like this, you really have the potential and you are an amazing writer :)
HRHPrincessTricia chapter 8 . 6/3/2011
Is there a sequel? It sounded as if you were undecided.
the.good.slytherin chapter 8 . 5/29/2011
awwww pooor draco! i loved it tho
RedCurls121 chapter 8 . 5/22/2011
I really liked this! It moved a little quickley, but otherwise I thought it was a good plot. Nice work :)
K chapter 8 . 5/16/2011
Oh wow I cried xD This story was super short but oh so sad.
aadsjkfheiudsfjhcx392874dskjhl chapter 8 . 5/8/2011
awww... i love this story
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 8 . 5/5/2011
good but sad that you ended it though i understand your reasoning!
Gaia v chapter 7 . 5/3/2011
amazing chapter, cannot wait for your next update!x
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