Reviews for Downfall
Siemsen chapter 4 . 4/22
I'm speechless. This chapter had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! Poor Luke.
I absolutely love your depictions of Vader and Palpatine- they're very much in character, it makes the whole story seem so real! Vader in particular is interesting to read- he is just so relentless. That scene where he brought back Yoda's stick and robe before Luke was chilling; although, given Obi-Wan's Force advice to Luke, I'm not sure if we're to interpret it as meaning that Yoda is in fact alive, and that his death is actually a ploy to get Luke to feed into his anger and turn to the dark side?
On that note, Palpatine's plan is very clever; I honestly have no idea how Luke will be able to foil it (subconsciously at least, cause I don't think he's catching on quite yet). Although actually, I have a feeling Mara will be of help in that regard. Truth be told, I'm not much of a fan of Mara Jade, but you write her well and chapter 2 (her POV chapter, if I recall correctly) was fantastic!
The fact that the Rebels all think Luke is dead is worrying; if Luke has any hope for escape, it probably rests with Mara Jade.
Anyway, I hope to see another update for this very soon!
MMJade chapter 4 . 1/19
Ohhhh you have no idea how excited I was ri get the update email for this story after so many years! I'm so thrilled you've come back to this one, I think of it often and I've re-read the first 3 chapters several times. So excited to see where you take this!
SpellCleaver chapter 4 . 12/5/2019
Ahhh! I love this fic and I'm so excited to see where it's going! Especially with this information Luke desperately needs to protect. (Also, I love your depiction of Vader and Palpatine. That last line? Chilling. I love it.)
jediqueen1980 chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
What a tease?! Can’t wait for more. Awesome story. I don’t believe for one second Leia believes he’s dead. Hoping for more real soon! Great job!
Jambee chapter 4 . 12/4/2019
I feel so bad for Luke. Wish someone, Mara or Vader would get him out. As always, excellent writing and very captivating.
BlueMapple chapter 4 . 12/4/2019
I'm so happy you continued this story !
I thought it was completed. You really have an exquisite mastery of the characters. I love your writing's style. I hope you will update the continuation soon.
December Wind chapter 3 . 12/3/2019
More here too? :'(
Guest chapter 3 . 8/14/2019
Palpatine lied. I hope Vader kills him. Mara and Vader?

Wish this were finished. Hard to read but am hooked.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/11/2019
I have read several of your stories and have enjoyed each of them! This one is painful but so good. My poor Luke. I do hope you continue it at some point! I’m intrigued to see what happens with Mara in particular.
Jedilittlebee chapter 3 . 6/22/2019
Poor Luke, you have kept him in that cell 7 years already! Please, oh please, say you are still writing and will finish this and your other stories. Please! You are one of my all time favorite writers. Please!
Jambee chapter 3 . 4/18/2019
So I was driving in my car and found myself thinking of this story, specifically when he force pushes Vader and Mara tackles him. You described everything so well.
SpellCleaver chapter 3 . 5/18/2018
This story is so well-written and interesting, I assume you won't be continuing it at his point, but rest assured I'd definitely be interested in reading more if you did :)
Whack-the-beetle chapter 3 . 4/25/2018
Chilling to the bone, but as all your stories marvellously well written and clever - even we as the readers don‘t know who is lying and who is not. Your torture scenes never fail to give me a major case of the creeps, sometimes it‘s so gruesome that I want to turn my head away and stop reading, but they convey in a unique way all the horror, pain and desperation a prisoner must feel - in one short word it feels real. Movies and most fanfiction gloss over what you bring in front of out eyes so clearly - there is nothing nice or heroic about war.
nekochan1994 chapter 1 . 9/2/2017
Congrats you two. Now Luke is going to kill himself
Guest chapter 3 . 7/12/2017
It's several years since you updated. This fiction is very interesting: is there any chance that you will go on? I really hope so.
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