Reviews for Meet My Sister
DJmiso chapter 2 . 4/4/2018
ogod, why did you name him harry. all i could think about was hermione and that’s exactly who i saw. i cracked up a bit. xD
Guest chapter 6 . 6/28/2012
He he he he he he he he! Everything is funnier when your not allowed to laugh. Up later than I should be, reading on a website I've been banned from, on my iPad, which was confiscated. My dad is downstairs, and I'm trying not to laugh too loud, in case I get caught! ;D
Corrosive Beauty chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
I know I'm late but I love it. Haha, I like how you censored a-hole but not the f-bomb. Lol.


XOXO ~ Corrosive Beauty
Percabethgirl2645 chapter 7 . 3/4/2012
I love dr. M in this story!
WhiteWinterAngel chapter 13 . 3/4/2012
Sweet story
Discombobulator0329 chapter 11 . 1/10/2012
I love it! I'm glad that damn Lissa is out of the way... Liss just has to try and ruin Fax's relationship, doesn't she? Lissa and Dylan...
Chocogirl24 chapter 8 . 8/13/2011
Wow max is very amusing!
Chocogirl24 chapter 7 . 8/13/2011
Ahhhh I love her aunt too!
Chocogirl24 chapter 6 . 8/13/2011
Haha that was funny :)
Chocogirl24 chapter 4 . 8/13/2011
I wuvvvvvvv cookies! But not as much as this story!
Chocogirl24 chapter 3 . 8/13/2011
She set the place on fire twice in one day! That should be a record or something...
Chocogirl24 chapter 2 . 8/13/2011
Oh my geeeeeeee! This is so awesome and funny and cool and sooooooo well written it just...makes me wanna cry!
Chocogirl24 chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
Awwwww rabbis saved her! Yeahhhh! Hes just awesome like that! Awesomse story by the way! Luvvvv the plot :)
tophwannabe chapter 12 . 8/7/2011
I can see problems with both 1 and 2: Well, when max sees Fang with another girls and she can't trust him enough to not go and cheat on her it's a bad relationship their in!

In 2, if it took only a mother to conquer their "love" then it's probably not as strong as Fax fans would like it to be!

If I hadmy say in the title I would choose "Mom, Meet My Girlfriend"
Mrs obsession chapter 5 . 7/31/2011
So frigging hilarious! Like seriously! I couldn't stop laughing! Hahha loved it!
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