Reviews for Steamed
Clio Trismegista chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
Brain over brawls... But I felt sorry for everyone, specially Jen. I don't know how to explain, we kind of understand that it's a matter of protection, but this kind of violence it's pretty hard to take.
Ardeliah chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
You beat up my Rodney but you made him shine!
savannah12 chapter 1 . 6/23/2013
great story thanks
JenniferAnn0124 chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
Love the story! Such a cute ending :)
JperW chapter 1 . 6/23/2011
Perfect story for a little break in between study sessions. :) Thanks for writing, D. :) I liked it! Rodney defending Jennifer's honor! That's how it should be.
DaniWilder chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
As always, your action scenes are so detailed there is no problem viewing it in our heads. It's nice to see you still got it ;-)

Thanks for the sweet ending and the 'team' element. Not enough team stuff out there.

Great job!

theicemenace chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Thanks for the mention. Happy to let you use "my" Mandy and John.

I especially liked:

He leaned in closer so that he could whisper, "And we can give each other full-body exams later tonight. You can do my exam in the line of duty," he leaned in even closer and his voice dropped even lower, "and I'll do your exam for fun."

Very John Sheppard. LOL

Great story. Let that be a lesson to all. Never mess with McKay or his girl OR his team!
ElisaD263 chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
OMG! That was full of awesome! *hugs story*

Wow...the trouble with the natives was not Rodney's fault, well not completely...very usual for him! LOL! I was almost certain that Rodney had said something to tick off the people, but no, he threw a punch at the jerk who manhandled Jennifer! Our hero!

Love how Rodney's team mates had full confidence in him in winning the fight! And knew just when to jump on the chance to help him out! So gald they HURT some those guards! And the togetherness at Rodney's bedside and that little tender moment between Jennifer and Rodney..*happy sigh*

Yep...loved this story! Thanks for sharing with us! Looking forward as always to your next one! _
IantojJackh chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Rodney takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Nice whumpage. The brains always come on top. Never mess with a scientist or his girl.
x Varda x chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Briliant! Rodney's pain is always so much more satisfying when Jennifer is comforting :D
koinekid chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Fantastic! An action-driven masterpiece.