Reviews for Selective Amnesia
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
You should try to write a series about Amelia and the Doctor! I love this and you write so beautifully :)
portionss-forfoxes chapter 1 . 9/3/2011
I just thought you should know that I've included this FANTASTIC fic of yours in a list of my top ten favorite Amy/Eleven fics. That's how good it was. I mean, I read a LOTTTT of Amy/Eleven, so this is saying a lot.

In case you wand to see it, the link is post/9771970947/10-best-amy-eleven-fanfics. I doubt FanFiction will allow that link to show up but if you really want to see it, message me.

Keep being an awesome, incredible, Amy/Eleven writer.
Maia's Pen chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
Gorgeous word-play... one of your very best fics, hands-down! Very tender...very thoughtful. Thanks for sharing! MP
Of-Ravens-And-Writing-Desks chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
that was beautiful dah-ling. :] But really, great job and I can't wait to read some more of your work.

michael1812 chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
I liked it. Especially Amy talking. I'm not a huge shipper, even though I think they've got excellent chemistry. He's Space Gandalf.

Also, a really nasty idea just sprang to mind. The Doctor wouldn't do this, wouldn't be this disrespectful, nor be this willing to involve himself in something that technically could be described as rape, in the sense that she's not Amy Pond anymore. She loves Rory, even though she did and does fancy the Doctor even after he returns, but still: this is really weird and the Doctor would be the first to know that.

I mean, ship all you want. But at some point it becomes really really disturbing if you think about it. Like Tosh in Torchwood in 'Adam', being led to believe she's Adam's boyfriend. Although this is more complicated.

Oh, well. Sorry for that.

Lovely story though. You could really feel the characters though at the end. You got them down.
Lily Rose-Petals chapter 1 . 4/10/2011
So basically Amy convinced the Doctor to let her give him a sexual massage? XD I like it. Very sweet and sensual at the same time.