Reviews for Telling Amy
lila thunderstorm chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
Such great writing. You should write more full-on sagas!
LucyMaxine chapter 1 . 4/12/2011

LM x
KeelyMatthews chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
(sry won't let me log in on iPod) nawww that was sweet, I almost cried :) I mean The Doctor Donna, they were the best. They should deffinitaly bring Donna back with elevan. Great story :D
SPaCeR8008 chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
Well, sorry Amy, but I think you're next.

Thank you. Thank you for writing this script that should be.
Aurora Lynn chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
Jeez! Why do you have to be so good at writing this kind of stuff? We're so used to seeing the Eleventh Doctor so happy, as if he completely shed his past behind him (well, except for River Song). But this fic and its prequel show it differently, which I think is a bit more realistic than the show.

I think the best part about this fic was that I could *see* it happening right before me eyes. I could *hear* the whirrl of the computer. I could *feel* the Doctor's pain even though it wasn't in first person. All those things make for a better reading experience.

I have to admit, yes the last few paragraphs were a little bit choppy. But over-all the piece was fantastic! Great write.
MayFairy chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
an awesome sequel. i really loved it, all very incharacter and very sad!
x-Avarice-x chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
Ha! Take that, you pathetic Donna replacement! This is fantastic.

Amy would definitely not leave it alone and she definitely would be so bothered by it. She's one of those annoying people who would try to force you to tell her things instead of waiting until you're ready to talk about them.

And I'm a Time Lord, not a Time Lady. (I know I'm a girl, but Lord sounds cooler!)