Reviews for The Last Dragonslayer
Bookfisher chapter 7 . 10/2/2018
A good story about dragons and buffoons, the romance is quick but then again this is a story that dont pretend it need to compete with GRRM in length, also its finished which is more than you can say about a Song about Ice and Fire.

and as a Rongo its a good AU that shows who and how those two fit together
Luciendar chapter 7 . 6/3/2017
Wow. That was awesome. If I'm being honest I wasn't expecting much. But i loved everything about the story. I could guess most of the plot but that didn't keep the story from being great. Thank you for writing...and finishing it lol. Although I'll hold you to that promise a few chapters back. I'm already writing a Rongo. Several actually. (Never could just do one thing at a time) But as you promised i now get a lap dance.
unusedaccount1337 chapter 7 . 8/6/2013
Heroic romance tale, NoobFish. You are truly talented.
Snakespur chapter 3 . 8/5/2013
I'm only on chapter three but if I had to guess I'd say Shego is this Sherainz and the odd request to stop hunting dragons means that this Kingsguard didn't actually slay the dragon! I'm calling it right now! lol
Snakespur chapter 1 . 8/5/2013
"You don't deserve it Kingsguard"
"That's Kingsguard Trainee to you"

that cracked me up lol
bleach1990 chapter 7 . 2/18/2013
that was a very good story dont read ones like this that often and i must say that i like it a lot
SixBrokenSteps chapter 7 . 6/4/2012
This has been a fantastic ride and a magnificent piece of writing. Bravo, my good man.
REDEADED chapter 7 . 8/21/2011

Cabriel chapter 7 . 7/11/2011
Great story. stuck to it like glue to the end.
vase chapter 7 . 5/10/2011
I liked this story definitely worth the read.
GreenScar1990 chapter 7 . 5/10/2011
A very touching and great ending to an excellent RonGo story. I've really enjoyed it, and I can only hope that in the future, you'll give us more Ron & Shego stories with happy endings. Once again, thanks for the great story!
Joe Stoppinghem chapter 7 . 5/9/2011
"Your majesty,It is enough honor for me to be in service of a

great storyteller such as you."

Huh? Huh? Not baad boss.

Loved the story, not much cheesiness, or if so just enough to bring out the flavor of the story.

I did love the way you were able to get Shego out of trouble and the same time realize that she needed Ron for that to happen. Trust is a powerful and can accomplish may things with it.

Finally, I first thought Katherine was actually Shego until the cave scene explained it all.

Thanks for a great Rongo, and here's to hope that The Human Element Book III will rise and complete that wonderful saga.

(Really I mean it, you can't leave Ron in a hospital bed and Miss ANThropy still out there causing more damage.
Jimmy1201 chapter 7 . 5/9/2011
I'm a sucker for happy endings and this was one of the best. I expected Ron's love to get him past the detail of Shego being a dragon, but having the entire village ready to throw her a banquet for saving them all was an unexpected twist. So, could she still turn back into a dragon? My guess is that she could, but never did.
Kael Hyun chapter 7 . 5/9/2011
Ah such a great story I hope to read more from you soon _
Invader Johnny chapter 7 . 5/9/2011
Heh, this WAS cheezy but overall an enjoyable chapter, what I liked the most was how messed up the plan was for Ron and Shego to be married, then again, love is usually messed up, LOL.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
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