Reviews for All In
Payton Collins chapter 122 . 6/30
I loved every minute of this story! One of my all time favorites. Please write more outtakes or a spin off, just something! I need more!
WizMonCruWil chapter 1 . 6/29
I thought this was about Gilmore Girls Sookie. Crap.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/28
Pam'd... LOL!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/28
love this :)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28
this is so much fun!
gagadu chapter 122 . 10/6/2019
Never have I been this happy about sitting in a pool of my own snot, coughing my lungs out, cause it means that I had to call in sick for a couple of days and could binge read your amazing story! Thank you - Might be one of the first times I've thoroughly enjoyed being this sick..

Also, you should really get paid for writing you know!
luvjz chapter 8 . 8/7/2019
I love all of your fics, and especially adore your dislike of Beeeeel ;)
expiredkoolaid chapter 122 . 10/31/2018
I just came back to this story after.. maybe 6 or 7 years? It was so good. I enjoyed it just as much as I did the first time. Thanks!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
fuayfkngale youammsfng piofhit
Gapch chapter 1 . 10/16/2018
Definitely in the top 3 of the BEST Eric/Sookie fanfic written.

This author should absolutely be a professional writer as well as a fanfic author.
Gapch chapter 18 . 10/16/2018
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
thecumpulsivreeder chapter 122 . 7/9/2018
This story was SO good! This has to be one of my favourites! (And I’m really picky) LOVED it!
thecumpulsivreeder chapter 114 . 7/8/2018
This chapter was beautiful!
thecumpulsivreeder chapter 65 . 6/25/2018
This chapter was so sad!
thecumpulsivreeder chapter 32 . 6/1/2018
I think ‘The Kraken’ is a way better name for Eric’s gracious plenty.
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