Reviews for A Moody Morning with Max
Copper Phoenix chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
Ha ha
TheAnonymousePotatoIt chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
You should focus on Gallagher academy to the Max. Go write. NOW.
WORMoverBOOK chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
It may be cliche and predictable, but I like it.

If you're looking for some fanfic's my friend The Gallagher Girl writes some pretty cool ones. Both for Maximum Ride and The Gallagher Girls. (the name wouldn't make much sense otherwise)

You are an awesome writer (I know, I'm in a weird mood)

Yay Another procrastinator chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
HAHA! I was totally not planning on saying anything(sorry but true) but when I read the authors note I had to comment. I am just about the biggest procrastinator ever but hey, if you can get the work done, why not! Glad I'm not alone writing midnight essays!

Anyway, it was slightly out of character for Fang to actually WIN a fight again Max (in my opinion anyway) but it was still cute! Guys are so lucky, they have no idea...

Good luck procrastinating!
ColorTheSky chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
HAHAHAHAHAHA I just love one-shots!1
Kittyhawk58 chapter 1 . 4/2/2011
Here's a shocker: I love your stories! So far I've only read this one, but it was well written, funny, and cute, so I'm gonna read more of your stuff :) Keep up the good work!

And random note: I am the most organized procrastinator I know. I'm like OCCD (Obsessive Compulsive Cleaning Disorder. Long story, but I'm a neat freak) about everything, but I leave work until the absolute last minute.
Awesome Pie chapter 1 . 4/1/2011
Haha, poor Fang. That's what happens when you mess with a girl
Shayna-18 chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
Heeey! you should put another chappie in with the rest of the day and how how Max keeps getting pissed off and them all..

your reallly gooood at this! :)