Reviews for Dead as a Doornail
Guest chapter 2 . 3/3/2019
This is the most retarded thing I've ever seen go fucking kill your self in the deepest darkest hole there is and take this absolute piece of shit with you
OneAppleLeaf chapter 3 . 11/25/2018
I remember I've been reading this before, and it doesn't take away my fascination at all :''D
I'm not sure what happen in real life, or what happen in general that you didn't update this gem anymore, but thanks anyway for uploading it!
It made me remember why I love bleach again haha
TheWeepingTurtle chapter 3 . 10/13/2015
Hey! I really love this story. The ideas are great and the overall story is very well put together. I would be extremely happy to see this continue and get updated. I know it's been many years, so I do not know if you even have this account anymore, but if you do, please respond. I'll check every day until you do! :D
raven-saber chapter 3 . 6/29/2015
PLEASE UPDATE!I'm dying for a new will ichigo regain his memories during some point in time?.Again please update soon!
EmptySurface chapter 3 . 8/22/2014
I'm interested in seeing how you plan to continue this.
Lord22 chapter 3 . 9/27/2012
This is a great story. I like the way you develop the characters, and I am very interested to see how Aizen will react when he finds out what happened.
I am glad that Tatsuki is getting some prominence as well. Personally, I'm hoping that Ichigo will end up in the 6th division, as that way he could run into Renji and Rukia.
Please continue, you are very talented.
scorpioneldar chapter 3 . 9/18/2012
the hell are arancar doing here so soon...
aizen move up his timetable without ichigo around to play his mind games with?
deepthoughtz chapter 3 . 8/24/2012
A very new concept to me as far as Bleach fanfics go. Waiting for a few more chap before I form a concrete opinion...
flan bridge chapter 2 . 8/24/2012
My response if I was ichigo and realized what happened? become a captain by killing one sneak kill another one leave but not before killing rukia if she hasn't told me the truth already. Leave sit out Aizens rebellion. full stop.

I could see them doing this if Aizen and friends hadn't left already as it is if Ichigo only takes one of them on his way out their worse off then before this approach seems ricky and antagonizes uncertain elements 3 former captains (yoruichi and friends)that they probably suspect even if they don't know about anyone else.
MrNeedsToRemoveAllFavs chapter 2 . 8/22/2012
Where was his reiryoku absorbed in to?

And wouldn't it take decades, if not hundreds of years, for a Shinigami to gain the sort of power Ichigo gained as a human? I mean, Ichigo had very big extenuating circumstances, what with the Hogyoku, the various apparent manipulations, his human body, his still-living soul, and so on. Taking all those away via transmigration and he's likely just another Shinigami with big potential that will take decades (at least) to develop.

And going by the existence of transmigration, wouldn't his soul be a lot older than his human age? So what's the real reason for giving him a younger appearance?
MrNeedsToRemoveAllFavs chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
Hm, I wonder if Ichigo has to go through another of those inner-world-is-falling-apart things since he's dead now and has no memories, which could be a pretty big form of despair (probably enough to qualify as having no heart) and could forcibly thrust Hollow Zangetsu into control.

That probably wouldn't go over very well at all though. With anyone.

And I'm sure the Vizard probably won't be helping out Soul Society anytime soon and Ichigo's father probably won't either.

Though I don't know how well they'd be able to alter memories, what with all known ways to alter memories not working very well with people that have Reiatsu, which is probably why this didn't happen in canon.
Rythik74 chapter 3 . 8/18/2012
Man it took a long time for me to get this story begins right after Ichigo saves now he is taken (Killed) by SS,so that he can become proper Shinigami and fight for the SS against Aizen.I can't wait to see Ichigo's progress(and his hollow powers as well).
And the general shinigami's are hidden about the betrayal of the captain's is an interesting other Shinigamis like Rukia,Renji and all what will they do or say when they see is an interesting story path of Bleach and i can't wait to see how you are going to progress this now you have done a wonderful job.

A Good job there,and have a nice day.
Lil Mexican chapter 3 . 8/17/2012
AMAZING! update soon
Jozern chapter 3 . 8/17/2012
Nice chapter and definetly looking forward for more.
TsuinRasengan chapter 3 . 8/16/2012
is ichigo going to remember through orihimes rejection ability and then screw over soul society
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