Reviews for Wings
Major Mike Powell III chapter 6 . 8/5/2012
Well, well, soldier...

You're definitely doing it right!

This was quite a unique and interesting look at what might've happened after "Macross Frontier".

Oh boy, of Sheryl to get a Valkyrie, of all people. LOL She's one Helluva pilot, that's for sure! Her flying style just screamed Sheryl. :D Oh yeah, and I caught that little nod at "Macross Plus". LMAO I chuckled.

Then, oh boy, Sheryl and Alto didn't break up on the best of terms, eh? :P ROFL at their interactions. Those two never cease to make me laugh. XD

And I liked that you included Ranka here. :3 That was a lot of fun, Ranka's skirt hitting her in the face and all. ROFLOL

Good work, Marine!

See you next deculture.

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
2ndsly chapter 6 . 7/12/2012
Your doing it right.
Fluff Inc chapter 6 . 5/17/2011
I've always wanted to read something with Sheryl as a pilot. I'm so happy to find something like this. The execution was brilliant and I love the different character POVs. I would definitely like to read more!
Fennrysha chapter 6 . 5/11/2011
You are absolutely not "doing it wrong." You have the characters down. And your writing style is excellent. I almost always find little things to criticize (hopefully, creatively, to help the writer) in these stories, but none here (not even syntax or grammar).

This was a delight to read and left me wanting more.

I definitely look forward to more from you.
FrothyMug chapter 6 . 4/2/2011
I thought you executed the story just fine. I didn't have a lot of questions as to why things had turned out the way they are in your story, so there wasn't a terrible amount of explaining that needed to be done.

You've gotten a lot established in your "pilot" story, pun intended. Your writing devices and technique is already in a good place and can probably only get better from here on out.

I started to roll my eyes at the Macross Plus nod, thinking you were gonna pretty much do the same thing as in the OVA. However, you took it in a different direction and I found myself smiling in reaction after I finished reading that part.

Feel free to contact me if you need someone to bounce some ideas off of.