Reviews for Viewer 258
Rita01tx chapter 45 . 8/24/2019
Addin' my voice to the many readers who would be thrilled to see this story continue to completion! It's never too late...just sayin'!
onlybelieved chapter 45 . 7/29/2018
I just reread all of this and i desperately want this to continue! any chance that will happen? it would be such a shame to leave this unfinished :(
Lady Moon Shadows chapter 45 . 9/8/2017
I hope you come back to this story one day even if it's a last chapter to sum up how you see things playing out. I miss these guys.
Nawaar chapter 45 . 1/16/2017
I've only been reading fanfiction for about a year, but your story is one of the best I have ever read. You can't help but wait on tentacles for how the story comes together, and I love that there isn't too much of the citrus stuff. It was a pleasure to read, and I hope you consider becoming a published author. All the best.
EdwardandAliceLover9 chapter 45 . 1/29/2016
Holy fucking shit. This was quite literally the most amazing fanfic I have ever read. VERY well written and I was binge reading this since 9 am yesterday! Lol! I LOVED this story! Thank you so so so so much! You are an amazing writer with incredible talent!
HarperAndHarley chapter 45 . 10/26/2015
Just reread this for the third time. I love the original plot! I forgot it's not finished yet so each time I read it the last chapter becomes like a cliffhanger. I really hope you will continue with it
Beanie Cullen chapter 45 . 4/2/2015
Thank you so much for sharing this story. I just found it and have enjoyed it immensely thus far. Bella's strength and her innate ability as a spy has been a real treat. The story has so many possibilities & I can't wait to find out what will happen!
Kgunter34 chapter 1 . 2/27/2015
Helllllooooooo, where do you go? Please come back and finish.
e13 chapter 45 . 9/30/2014
Please update!
shyshell21 chapter 44 . 6/16/2014
I have really enjoyed this story. I hope that the bad reviews that you have received, have not scared you away from continuing this story. They don't matter to you and you shouldn't give them that much power over you to make you quit. I have seen you have a lot of positive reviews, hopefully you will focus on them:). Unfortunately, some people will always hate something. ..that doesn't mean we have to listen to them. I personally love this story, and I really hope you finish it. Don't give insignificant people the power to determine your decisions. You are an awesome writer!
drbelladonna chapter 45 . 3/29/2014
Please update soon-there are too many story lines left hanging! If I beg will it help? ;-)
goldseadragon chapter 45 . 1/10/2014
I hope Bella makes him work for it. Edward is still being quite douchey.

I got hooked on this story on TWD and was so excited to see so much more of it here...I hope you plan to continue it.
goldseadragon chapter 30 . 1/10/2014
Good for Bella! At this point I don't see Edward as worthy of her. Seeing Bella with someone who truly appreciates and respects her is something he needs his nose shoved in a few a stupid dog that needs training.
goldseadragon chapter 28 . 1/10/2014
I don't get why Bella feels it isn't her place to tell Edward's parents about the shitty way he dumped her. It's not like it's gossip or secondhand stuff-it happened directly to her. I'm finding her a bit odd. :p
JoysSea chapter 45 . 12/22/2013
This is such a good story. I love how creative and unique the story line is. I don't usually take a chance on fics that aren't complete but, this one just called to me. I hope everything is OK in RL and you won't keep us waiting too much longer. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
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