Reviews for Girl in the War
Vivian Ayala chapter 48 . 6/14
Just recently did read it, just now I have time to indulge in hobbies because work. I Know it's been awhile since you wrote this but I hope my words reach you someday. I am a huge fan of Troy, I loved your story, I love how you develop everything, you are truly gifted for writing, congrats on your hard work. I must admit that I secretly hope you that you would change Hector's death (it always cause me such pain everytime I watch the movie or when I read The Iliad) and I was almost dissapointed; them reunited in the afterlife was beautiful yet sad. Also Aeneas and her together no matter what he did for Hector's family didn't please me considering what happened in the past. Did I say too much? Hehe, anyway I hope you are well and stay safe.
ghostFACERS95 chapter 46 . 7/17/2018
This is a random chapter to write this review and I was trying to wait until I finished reading this story, but I’ve been reading this story for a really long time and I have to say as a anthropology/archaeology major who is specializing in Ancient Greek history, I am in absolutely in love with this story, you have done a wonderful job in making the stories details authentic while weaving your own twists and ideas into the story, you have honestly inspired my own hand at trying an Iliad story (an Aeneas story, I love Hector and Myrina, but I won’t lie and I will admit that I’m a bit of a rebel and love Myrina and Aeneas just as much if not more) i only hope that it can be even a little bit great like yours! As I get closer and closer to the end I get excited to see how it all ends but can’t help but also feel sadness to reach the ending. I wish you all the best and can’t wait to read even more of your wonderful writing!
HPuni101 chapter 49 . 6/3/2018
I cry every time I get to the end. With every story I read, I always hole that Hector survives.
dstarlight chapter 48 . 2/10/2016
This is a truly wonderful piece of fiction and I'm just so happy to have discovered it :) It had me going from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. It wrung me dry of absolutely everything I had, and I loved every, single second of it! I can describe reading this story as sitting down to watch my favourite epic (we all have one) and this story gave me all of that and more. I don't know where to start with my review but I'll try not to sound like a rambling fool, because that has been known to happen ;)

The love between Myrina and Hector is what I always look for when reading a romance (and your story wasn't just that!) there was just a perfect balance between them. They made sense and it was pointless to try and think otherwise. I looked forward to seeing what Myrina would do next to get a reaction out of Hector, and what exactly would that reaction be? She always managed to catch him off guard, one minute she could bring out his more playful side and the next a passionate lover, after that the gentle, caring man. To watch their love grow from their very first meeting was simply lovely, especially when Hector had no clue what he was feeling. How he was all twisted up in knots at the very thought of our sweet Myrina, lol. Their encounters held an edginess to them as well though, that dreadful ticking clock known as Andromache and then later on our dear Hector's death. It made everything so much more precious. You really had me guessing in regards to Andromache! I hated it and loved it at the same time. With those chapters it felt like all I was doing was holding my breath, nervously waiting to see which path Hector would choose. It was agony because I wanted so badly to know, but on the other hand I wanted to stay ignorant of what his decision might be (in case of bad weather). You definitely kept me guessing, I just couldn't call it. Myrina's heartbreak was palpable during that time, the utter misery she battled through until she saw Hector again poured off the screen. Hector and Myrina's reunion was totally worth all that pain though! It was the chapter I had been anxiously waiting for. Everything came together for them in that specific moment and it was stunning. It played out so differently to what I was expecting and it was brilliant! I loved how she wouldn't back down at first, she would not let him have an easy time in persuading her! Our girl stood her ground but then again so did he ;) I was cheering her on as well as praying that Hector would get through to her. His ferocity and yearning for her finally exploded, and boy was it a tense and wonderful thing. Him asking her to "please make love to me" was a picture of beauty, he was finally open and ready for anything their life entailed.

With that I want to praise you for your love scenes. You have a way of making them so special and unique. It's not a wham bam thank you ma'am with you! Not everyone has that skill but you definitely do, yes they were sexy as hell but you made them more then just that. You managed to have your characters communicate through action instead of language, which is extremely hard to do when writing it down on paper.

The way you write is just lovely and so easy to grasp and understand. The descriptions you use and your word choices just makes it all flow. Everything feels rich and full to the brim, as a reader it's just excellent because it rounds out the universe so much. And you deserve a round of applause for the work you put in to make this world come alive. It was exciting to read Hector's times away from Troy, adding to the universe so it's vibrant and colourful. His adventures and battles gave more insight to Hector as a warrior and Troy as a place. You also have a really good knack for fight scenes as well, they're actually fun to read!

Your OC deserves major props. The girl is fierce! It shows a good writer when you have your reader wanting to know more about your OC, wanting to see more of their life and those around them. Myrina opposit Hector was the perfect heroine. Her mind was wilful and determined, her love for Hector everlasting. She was interesting without being overly brilliant at everything, without having men falling at her feet left, right and centre (only two) but she wasn't boring or dull. You made her a normal girl with normal problems and her voice was heard loud and clear. Her imprint surrounded this story just as much as Hectors'. In fact I have to commend you on all your OC's, they rang true in their realism for me. You even took characters who in the film were fleeting and you made them shine! Aeneas and Lysander were particular stand outs for me.

You breathed life into your characters but none more so then Hector. You had me taken in by him from the very first sentence. It was a terrific idea how you started with him as a child, it made his journey more accessible in a way. You gave him history and family, but you made that even more tangible by fleshing out those details. He wasn't just a two dimensional character, you got him down to the very core. He was flesh and bone, heart and much heart and soul. He was the definite hero of the story and seeing all of that made it even more bittersweet in the last few chapters. In fact it made it absolutely gut wrenching! This is no lie, I don't cry easily. It takes a lot to get my tear ducts going, but at the end of this story I was sobbing my heart out and the tears were endless. His parting words to his children and Myrina I felt them, with a very heavy heart. The scene was brief but you portrayed what needed to be shown, each character's fear and love was conveyed and it was heartbreaking. I also must confess seeing Hector with his children were some of the best moments for me. I don't know, something about seeing this strong, war wearied man care so tenderly and fervidly for his children...sigh worthy.

But oh my heart was aching for what our babies endured towards the end there. I had no idea what route you would go concerning Hector's fate. Obviously the prologue gave a general idea, clever use of that by the way! I thought it was a fantastic way to introduce this fic, it drew you in completely and then to have it repeated at his end. It had impact and was something to remember, always there in the background. I was probably like everyone who read this, holding out hope that maybe, somehow he would actually make it! That maybe he would have a chance. Me being an absolute mess right now obviously proves otherwise. Then again after thinking on it and drying my tears I realise this story wouldn't be the same if he had survived. It works so greatly because of his death! Every moment is so much more poignant, so much more breathtaking. And it's because of that lingering fate, always there, hovering just out of reach. It all comes down to his final breath, every look, gesture, action leads to that sorrowful demise. It comes full circle. Hector would not be who he is if he had run from that fight. All his hardships and sacrifices would mean that much less if he had just turned away. His loyalty is as much a part of him as his heart, he could't do anything else because it's who he is. Although some part of me wanted him to surrender and run, my poor baby. I think the beautiful thing is he got to love Myrina openly, make her his wife, share children with her. And he had a happy life until one, stupid decision was made by his brother (don't get me started on Paris we'll be here forever). I guess what I'm trying to say is Hector found peace before his death, he chose to go with his heart and it was just so magical to read his and Myrina's story.

There's definitely more to express but I'll quit before this gets into novel like territory, lol. I'll end by saying this was a true pleasure to read and you should be so very very proud. It's one fic I'll come back to again and again.

danceegirl92 chapter 48 . 2/17/2015
From the prologue i kind of expected him to be married to andromache so it was an amazing surprise to see them get married...i did feel bad for aeneas occasionally (but he gets something in the end so...), you definitely made me cry in the end despite knowing what would happen, which just goes to show how deeply you touched your readers. It was an amazing story that i intend to keep revisiting, only wish i had found it sooner! I hope you decide to finish the sequel since i'm very interested in what happens with Haemon and Illiana :)
HPuni101 chapter 48 . 10/11/2014
Such a beautiful story, you are a very talented writer and deserve many more reviews. Your story made me smile and cry. I cried the hardest in this chapter though. I was very happy with your ending, she deserved to be happy after the greek tragedy. Myrina is a well-written, well-developed and well-rounded character, it was a pleasure to follow her journey amongst gods and mortals.

I have added you to my favourite list and will continue to reread.
xXMoonlitSorrowsXx chapter 48 . 12/21/2013
Okay, it's bugged me for months but I finally find this story and re-read it and I still don't get this part:
"Her family. Her friends. Those lost in the ashes. One stepped out before the others, so familiar and long forgotten."Is that..?"He didn't answer, but he had no need to."
Who is this person? She never had a miscarriage did she? I just can't remember. I feel like an idiot for not getting it. Please clear up this confusion for me or I'll go crazy! Thanks.
AndromacheSorrow chapter 48 . 11/17/2013
I wonder did Myrina beg for the body of Hector instead of Priam? It would be an interesting meeting between Achilles and Myrina although I suspect she would probably kill him if she could! I'm also wondering did Andromache take Briseis place since she was there when Achilles sacked Thebe, that would be an interesting pairing. Really loved this story!
Lizzybeth chapter 12 . 6/3/2013
I have been reading your story from the beginning and I am in love with the characters and their relationship. I can't wait to find out what happens.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/9/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
Hapsgurl80 chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
Interesting start
NataliaRoma97 chapter 37 . 2/20/2013
YEA! I was jumping up and down in my chair when Priam said she had his blessing I was so excited!
NataliaRoma97 chapter 24 . 2/18/2013
Oh my God, yes, I wanted to punch Hector in his freakin' pea sized balls! He is such an idiot but I will say he is human and makes mistakes and poor Myrina, she barred her body and soul to him and he just leaves! Ugh!
ZabuzasGirl chapter 49 . 2/10/2013
Update immediately, please!
LyannaBlack chapter 48 . 9/28/2012
Oh, God!
You are mean. I honestly thought you would save Hector - that he would survive because of Myrina... I was surrounded by used tissues as I read the last chapters. I cried more than when I watched Titanic or Marley & Me! :)
Great story! Fascinating, addicting!
Going to check out the sequel, becoming your stalker :D
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