Reviews for Musings of the King
Briar Rose Smith chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
I liked this expert into Jon's head, it's hard sometimes to know what he's really thinking.
Myth n Magic chapter 1 . 3/28/2013
Honestly? I enjoyed this, and would also enjoy reading a Kel/Jon story. Not so much in the romantic sense, because I do like Thayet and the whole dynamic they have going on, but shorts like this would be fun. I also wouldn't mind more exploration of the relationship between Roald and Kel, and the boundaries he forced himself to maintain in the wake of his father and Alanna's relationship. Things like that. It's my personal theory that Jon knew perfectly well what Alanna was doing with the gifts throughout Kel's time as a page, and that Prince Roald was the one who actually suggested the idea, and then bought and delivered them to Kel's room, since Alanna was away from Corus. But then, I have a special fondness for Roald, so that may be my bias speaking out. ;)

One note for this story: 'You're welcome' rather than 'Your welcome' towards the end there. Sorry, can't turn off the editor in me. :) Looking forward to whatever you come up with next.
MuffyLooWho chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
I love this! I've always thought Jonathon was a little too aware of certain females and this is perfect. And I love how you resolve the tension between Kel and Jon like that. Great job!
Mattie chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
Never thought of Jon as a one-woman-man before Thayet, and could easily imagine him seducing one of the younger heroines and feeling horribly guilty about it afterwards :P... This was funny and spot-on, and I enjoyed reading it. I think Ali/Jon would be a funny pairing... Not so much Kel... Never liked her :P
Blown chapter 1 . 4/8/2011
Yay! This story is a bit strange, no doubt. I never thought of Jon as the... daydreaming type, but this fits. It's nice how he could comfort Kel. D

I'm going to read more of your one-shots now. Your writing is quite good. And thanks for replying to my review! I really enjoy your stories.
ArbitraryHandle chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
I like the way that Jon's explanation of temptation to Kel serves equally as self-justification to himself. A good job and enjoyable read
Guest chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
Very satisfying read. It stays true to canon and also develops their characters/relationship in a surprising and honest way
Dom-Loves-Kel chapter 1 . 3/20/2011
wow that was so good! do more :) idea: wrote this fic of kel and do getting together and the whole idea I s that Jon advises her o how her relationship is going..? that seems so cool! and like make her commander and him captain of third company and omg amazing story of them getting together shown through Kels conversations with Jon!

update zen pleasepleaeepleaes!

emily n