Reviews for A Fresh Start
Patriciadiane chapter 46 . 7/22
Love this story so glad it isn’t over
Patriciadiane chapter 45 . 7/22
Loved it. Every bit
Patriciadiane chapter 44 . 7/22
So trauma from Mike’s death still holing one. Evil
So no Renee
And sadly no Todd

Triplets. Didn’t see that one coming. Yep, that principal position might need to be on hold.
Patriciadiane chapter 43 . 7/21
Tough to read the conflict she feels
Intervention worked

Yeah Mike is GONE
Patriciadiane chapter 42 . 7/21
Her interview. What an asshat The one guy was rude beyond rude
Mike needs to be tortured
New house
Announcing Bean. Best ever
Patriciadiane chapter 41 . 7/21
Mike needs to be tortured. I kind of would like Renee to get slapped down. I miss Todd
Patriciadiane chapter 40 . 7/21
I love these two
Patriciadiane chapter 39 . 7/21
Just curious...could she be pregnant? Feeling sic
Patriciadiane chapter 38 . 7/21
Wedding nerves


Patriciadiane chapter 37 . 7/21
Her dress sounds amazing

Patriciadiane chapter 36 . 7/21
Make Mike suffer
Bring Todd back
Patriciadiane chapter 35 . 7/21
Mike needs to suffer
Please bring Todd back
Patriciadiane chapter 34 . 7/21
Not happy about the Todd situation. Fingers crossed
Patriciadiane chapter 33 . 7/21
These two are so good for each other.
Patriciadiane chapter 32 . 7/21
Mike just gets lower and lower! He doesn’t let Bella know someone DIED!
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