Reviews for Love Me Tender
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2013
So wat happened to Conrad wat happened to both of them please update
K chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
FLSJDKLFJDSK *FOAM* I love this so far! *A* KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK! HEE HURR I can tell this story is going to be freaking awesome *n*
I love angst and lovey Conyuu ;w; and everyone so far is so in character! You write Yuuri very well *U* Much love! Keep writing! ;w; *HEARTS ALL OVER YOU*
xanderoxx chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
Why aren't u continuing?u have a lot of potential from what i just read in the first chapter...PLEASE DO CONTINUE!I NEED MY DOSE OF CONYUU BADLY!i like the way u started it off with a dream...leaving the readers with no clue of what actually happened...i especially liked the fact that this story could potentially go on with yuri trying to find out who is conrad and what is his dream all about...PLEASE...IM URGING U TO CONTINUE WITH MORE WONDERFUL CHAPTERS TO COME...
Krylancelo chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
I really like this one!

Very interesting, I wonder what caused all of those injuries.

I hope you update soon!
issm chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
OMG! Absolutely heart breaking but wonderful chapter. What the hell happened? Conrad died? It seemed like it...

No that can't happen. My Conrad... *sniff* And someone erased Yuuri's memories. WHYYYY?

Dying to read next chapter. Plz update soon. :(
Miyuki Meiru chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
Oh my... what happened to Yuuri?