Reviews for Reminiscent
Lechuza3 chapter 1 . 11/28/2013
No you dont suck at writing sex scenes. I loved this very much actually!
Mini-Moffie13 chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
This was fantastic to read! Excellent job!
Lunael chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
Very intense. I loved this, it was well-written, and a good portray of Fenris' inner dilemma :)
bavaria44 chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
This was just beautiful, amazing, adorable. This was the best fic about DA I read so far (and I read the original trilogy books - and I think you should give that author a call for some ideas, believe me, he needs it). You captured the character of Fenris perfectly. It is a pity that I do not play that game because of not having much freetime. Anyway, thank you very, very much for this story, you made my day.

PS: I promise that I will read any fic coming from you that involves this pairing. Your writing style is just unbelieveable. I love it! I am so putting you in my favorits...
this page has been moved chapter 1 . 6/14/2012
When the first time I saw your work, I was like, wow, 49 reviews wont be joking me. It must be a good one. That I proved myself wrong after reading this. I was skimming your writing at first, then I read it in details at second. And guess what? It's not only 'good', it deserves 'great'! I can say this is the best of HawkexFenris I've ever read so far. Glad that many people agreed with me and gave you the same opinion as mine.

I like how you made a situation after Qunari case and how Anders made Fenris jealous. That elf's reaction toward Anders' approach is cute yet heartbreaking. It's true that Fenris will hold himself, denial, runaway from Hawke just because of his insecurity. Yes, I love it how you portrayed his fragile side yet he struggled to hide it. And Hawke, oh my dear, he was so patient for having an emo elf as his lover LOL. I was so ready if your story would turn angst in the end but praise the Maker that you ended this in a heartwarming fluff. I think their action and conversation is very in character. I feel like I hear the good-guy-option-response from Hawke. Which is good that you can keep them in their real character. And I must raise my four thumbs of my body for your beautiful lamguage. It's romantic but the story is flowing like a river. Leaving me mellow just because it came to its end. I want more! Well, at least my heart is warm since Fenris deserved a little happines in his dark, broody life in the end XDD

Okay, long rant LoL, thanks for sharing your work!
Unnie chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
This is probably the best Hawke/Fenris fanfic I have read. I'm not even overstating here, because I've read a ton of them and none of them seem to fit the characters' personalities and the story as well as you've done here! I'm so happy to have finally found a great fanfic about my favorite pairing. Thank you!
Jet Set Radio Yoyo chapter 1 . 4/19/2012
Well I enjoyed this. It had a cute ending and I enjoyed reading it.
Pontythings chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
That was not bad at ALL! I loved that! what were you talking about being bad at sex sens! Fenris is amazing in his hut way.
Lilac.Disease chapter 1 . 2/13/2012
This defines awesome.
Xandra too lazy to log in P chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
Sucked at writing sex scenes? Are you joking? I read a good deal of hardcore and that was better-written and more realistic than most of it.

But more than the porn-though it was nice-I appreciated how well you seem to grasp Fenris' character. Usually, reading fanfiction for me is an exercise in suspension of disbelief. Writers often put their own words in characters' mouths, and you have to struggle a little to buy it. But I was seeing this entire thing in cutscenes, complete with voice-acting, as I read it. It was very clear and believable. Fenris and his entire perspective were my favorite part. The tiny references you included about Varric and the dog and Aveline and everything else made it more 'real'. More like playing the game than reading a story.

So, in short, you did a great job. I don't read a lot of fanfiction; I'm picky, I'm an elitist, and I'm a grammar nazi. But I liked this story. It's well-written and feels just the right length, like there should be more or less. That is rare. Congratulations.
Averaval-Levor chapter 1 . 10/17/2011
What are you talking about? You can write sex scenes just fine, and that in all honesty; was beautifully done.

You've captured both characters' elements so well, kept them in character and made the romance fit in with the plot.

Very well done my friend :)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5/2011
This story is so sweet, I love it. I've read some stories that make Hawk into a jackass, but I love your compassinate Hawk much much better. The jealousy Fenris has for Anders in great, this is a great story that I have reread 3 times already.
Pathos chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
That was absolutely delicious, thank you.
Shacary chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
it's beautiful, even when its a bit bloody lol. I say this every story but the way you express the depth of hidden emotions is amazing. I dont see your writings as slash, I see them as beautiful romances! Kudos to a style that transcends genders. Love is after all the best of humanity.
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